By Gadge, in X-Wing

that gunmetal HWK is great, it does have a bit of a GW look to it though, i'd have said 'iron warriors'

and on that note its time to go to bed.. here's hoping there are dozens more cool paint jobs to perve over added overnight!


Another project I made back when I heard that FFG was going capital ships: the Imperial Customs Corvette Inquisitor . It is completely scratchbuilt from polystyrene sheet and stock, plus many dozens of model kit parts and features a complete lighting system:





Here's the lighting system turned on (sorry about the bad picture quality. I'll probably take new pics later, once I repair the now-broken circuit and fix the engine vanes):



You lit it! So COOL!

Just tell us where and when you'll start selling the kits so we can throw money at you.

Edited by BenderIsGreat

Sweet zombie jeebus on a tricycle, MF. That is outrageously awesome work.

Thanks, guys! :D Just wait till I finish my lit Tantive IV. I finally had a breakthrough with the battery recharging circuit, and I'll be posting new stuff on the old thread soon. :)

Yeah looking fowards to seeing that.

I know it is unintentional but i'm really please the factories use a brittle 'superglue' type glue as it makes dissaembling things for repaints and conversion so much easier.

Before my tantive was wrekced i was able to reposition all the engines by just waggling them til they came off then gluing them back

My a wings i found i could dissamble to when i've ready for 'rebel aces' i'll probably paint my existing two blue/white and that will be easier if i can paint the engines and fins seperately.

That customs corvette is sensational!

Yeah i'd buy a commecially made one just as a backdrop to all the other minis

daily bump

and just to stop it slippling off the page....

10:46 (This one could be considered a legit post, but...)

11:24: "daily bump"

12:14: "and just to stop it slippling off the page...."



I see what you're doing, but... really? That's three posts in an hour and a half, two of which contribute nothing.

Here you go, a "contributing" post:




It's an attempt to keep all the repaint stuff in one place in the hope that FFG will see that a lot of the people on here could do with a sub forum for it.

I actually said in the first post we should bump it several times a day to keep it on the front page.

I'm not doing anything that wasnt clearly stated. If you know what the threads for why should it bother you?

Either you like repaints so its good to keep it prominant, or you dont in which case its surely better to have them all in one place than spread out?

The irony here is that if you reply to this you bump it up and if reply to you it goes up again. :)

It's an attempt to keep all the repaint stuff in one place in the hope that FFG will see that a lot of the people on here could do with a sub forum for it.


The irony here is that if you reply to this you bump it up and if reply to you it goes up again. :)

I understand what you're doing, I'm questioning the frantic nature of it.

I enjoy the customs and repaints. I enjoy the discussion. I enjoy seeing people's work.

Seeing it pop up again and finding that the only new material is a whole string of "bump" is... not interesting. Further, it dilutes an otherwise interesting thread.

The thread's not that hard to find, all the proper keywords are included right in the title. People are going to use it or they aren't. Bump it once or twice a day, sure, whatever.

[Absurdum starts in 3...2...1...]

But if you're trying to keep it at the top, why stop at anything less than once every fifteen minutes? Every five? Surely that would keep it even MORE prominent.

Of course, if you're really trying to show how much better off the forums would be with a special sub-forum, wouldn't it be better to clutter the board with a hundred separate threads to better get the point across?

I don't actually think that either action would provoke a response from FFG, they're pretty "hands off" around here, but if I were maintaining a forum and all posts of one topic were handily contained in a single thread, I would think things were running quite smoothly and go on about my business.

In fact, let's help them out and start one mega-thread for each of our recurring topics!

"Fat Han Suxorz"

"Swarm Broken"

"Imperial Epic" (check!)

"Needs Moar Facshuns"

"Give Me Best List"

"Where Boat?"

"Advanced Needs Women"

"When Do We Get _____?"

"Y-Wing Crew"

We'll have to add one or two new threads each wave, or so, but that shouldn't be a problem. We bump each of these once every thirty minutes or so and the boards stay nice and tidy. We have then effectively created our own sub-forum on whatever topic we choose, simply by making (and bumping) a new post.


Well i see those are fairly reasoned points :)

And in the spirit of keeping this thread as intended here is a 'scenery' piece.

I've used it once or twice as an objective to be defended by the rebels, it's to big to damage but the rebels have to defend it until it can get its hyperdrive working and before an ISD can get in range.

Its originally a 'lost in space' toy but I painted it up white and red years ago to be an eldar shuttle for 40k... it dawned on me when i was playing xwing it would make a good mon calamari corvette.


Please find below a link to my current thread which will hopefully track a YT-1300 Conversion.

The plan is to have a armoured hull cockpit like below


I would like smooth panels like below


and a non metallic metal repaint like below


My skill probably will be way short to pull off what I have in my mind so it will be inteesting to see what I end up with.

Awsome! What did the moder used to make the Falcon's antena? I want some of those for personal mods.


So a while back, I built a Death Star.

The longer version is here:

But here are the Cliff Notes:

I bought a few sheets of 1/8" hardboard and started cutting and gluing and, eventually, painting.
Just the Surface


With towers from Fight's On!


With a few Interceptors for scale:


As it stands, it's a proper 3'x3' surface. My son and I have had some fun with it. It's been a long summer of rebuilding the porch on my house, but come winter I'm planning to get back to the project and build a platform for these plates to rest on with a trench between.

Thats really quite effective, nice job! :)

I started my own thread about customized target lock tokens, but then saw this thread:

Do you hate the generic Target Lock tokens? Are they hard to find a match for? Is it annoying to have to figure out who is who? Well, I do. Are there companies that sell customized Target Lock tokens that would make it easier? Yes. Do I want to pay more money? No. I've got the time, so why not just customize my own markers?

Now, I thought about stickers or something with generic pictures in the middle of the TL token to match them up, but I really couldn't find any good stickers. I just decided to make a bunch of graphics and print them off. I figured I could glue them on and then seal them tight. Matt spray to get rid of any shine.

First off, I noticed that the tokens don't really have a lot of color on them. There is just that circle with arrows in the middle to identify them as red or blue. So, I had to paint along the edges of the token. I have the talent to do it nice, but I admit that I'm lazy. I just slapped the paint on. Some were so bad I just painted the whole thing a color. I'm not fazed, but I'm sure others would want to do it nice. Bully for them. I've got other games where I have to paint up minis and I spend my time on them. This is my fun, don't-need-to-paint-anything hobby.

After that, I used a glue stick to stick 'em on! I have some generic icons for each side, but I also got out specific icons for specific ships. The Falcon is there, as well as a Lambda Shuttle. The X-wing icons didn't work well, so I just used Rebel helmets. I then added in specific people's pictures. Darth Vader is there, of course, but also Wedge, and Gold Leader Dutch Vander. I also added in Ten Numb as I've got a list that is using him (yeah, he's over costed, blah blah). There are some more I didn't paint up enough Target Lock tokens for that I can still use, like Luke or Boba Fett, but I figure I can do that later.....if I want.




...and how I will store them. My kid does Rainbow Loom and I just grabbed some. Different colors for different sides. I'll just store them in my Plano tray.


Mess? Sure. Am I happy with the results? Yeah! I haven't used them yet as I just did that this morning. I'll have to seal them up, but it looks good enough to share. Let me know what you think.

I would like smooth panels like below


Awsome! What did the moder used to make the Falcon's antena? I want some of those for personal mods.

I was hoping to put a link to original post for the above but cannot find it now. I do like the radar dish on this model tho and am tempted to put something similar on my final model to make my YT-1300 less like the Millennium Falcon

If you want something really cool to use for a sensor dish, look for photo etch upgrades at hobby stores. See if the owner has any stock he has trouble moving and ask for a deal. I once got a $40 sheet of etch for $5. You can find fine wire mesh that looks really nice in this scale, as well as tiny bits that will lend a nice layer of detail to any model.

Here's an example of photo etch:


Here's a nice online guide on how to use photo etch:

Edited by Millennium Falsehood

I'll bump it with some more past projects

Haven't really done much with X-wing lately because, lets be honest, Star Trek Attack wing is a much superior game (casts the line....LOL)

Anyhow, even though I still haven't even opened my tantive and troop transport that arrived a few weeks ago I am sort of looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with Xwing

To get myself into the mood I decided to re-paint all the X-wing ships I currently have (falcon, shuttle slave 1 etc still to do)

Well, not so much re-paints I would describe them as simply adding a little colour and picking out the details. Also magnetised all the ships for some fun swooooooping action :)

Until I saw this picture of the re-painted X-wing sat next to the out of the box miniature (on the right) I really didn't realise just how terrible they were!


2 x-wing squads painted


B, Y and A wings done


Space Debris made from some cheap micromachine ships I had laying around, will grab some tie's to make some empire wreckage too


Tie fighters finished



Tie variants finished

