By Gadge, in X-Wing


Those decals look great.

Thanks... they are easy to do if you have the patience. I made my last batch a little too large unfortunately, but an easy fix.

Custom phantom mid cloak...



I wanted to call attention to ImperialBucketHead's TIE Fighter repaint posted in the "Teach me to paint" thread (and incidentally, bump). I'm in love with the alternate blue from the second two movies of the OT.



Thanks for the interest! I hadn't been on since I posted this on the other thread. The dark blue effect is an easy task for you Lansing, and others interested. I used a few coats of GW's Darkenhof Nightshade wash (add more or less until desired tint is achieved). Followed up with a #1 brush and did some highlighting with a lighter blue and dotted the fore tie laser banks as well as the aft marker lights with some red and finished up with a gloss varnish (thinned with a drop of water) on the cock pit window. :-D

Edited by ImperialBucketHead

Custom phantom mid cloak...



Nicely done, sir.

Keeping the thread on the front page, we need a pair of X-Wings:

IMAG0652_zps7b4662ab.jpg IMAG0649_zps982977ec.jpg

Custom phantom mid cloak...



Really like how you used the clear plastic here.. brilliantly executed.

How about one for Mr. Antilles.


Wow that chequer pattern is really tidy!

did you use an art pen or a brush, i can never get checks that tight.

Also i love the blue and grey x wings

Big fan of blue markings on rebel ships, just makes them look a bit cooler while still 'rebel'

Yes! Wedge Antilles! And Gate/Mynock! Awsome! Reminds me of the time my Wedge flew across the table with Artoo, Elusiveness, focus actions, and three TIE fighters in pursuit, with Rookie Pilot and Chewie chasing them... And he survived! For 4 turns, and 2 hull damage!

Some things I've done ..

the School Bus
I've posted these up before, but I'm happy with them, the photography isn't the best, but I'm no professional lol..
Great idea for the thread..

How do you get your Imperial cogs so clean? I'm wanting to paint some myself, but am worried I will just make a mess.

I make my own decals and apply them .. I cant paint those cogs.. lol.. wish I could.

I make my own decals and apply them .. I cant paint those cogs.. lol.. wish I could.

Thanks for the idea. Mind if I steal it? :D

Robjedi, can we please x10 have more pics of the shuttle on the left?


Edited by JaggedLittleFel

I make my own decals and apply them .. I cant paint those cogs.. lol.. wish I could.

Thanks for the idea. Mind if I steal it? :D
Edited by oneway

Robjedi, can we please x10 have more pics of the shuttle on the left?


If you're curious as to where he got it, it's an Action Fleet shuttle from the Series Alpha set:


I was wanting to mod my Y-Wings to have actual, noticable turrets on them. Does anyone have a good source for turrets that are the right scale/look?

Yeah, look for a cheap 1:700 Tamiya USS Iowa or other Iowa class ships and use the flak guns from it. I did that on mine and they look terrific:


Here are other ships I recently repainted:




And yes, I did in fact paint the green Twi'lek on the nose by hand.

These are my first repaints:







More lovely work continuing in this thread - keep 'em coming!

I was wanting to mod my Y-Wings to have actual, noticable turrets on them. Does anyone have a good source for turrets that are the right scale/look?

Hah! Good idea! I've got a few dozen spare turrets from various kits including BFG cruisers - I'll have to try that on my Y's as well. I reckon they'd be about the right scale.

Harleigh, PM me if you want a couple of them, I can probably spare a few.

Robjedi, can we please x10 have more pics of the shuttle on the left?


If you're curious as to where he got it, it's an Action Fleet shuttle from the Series Alpha set:


what he said ;D

Those are nice, good strong shade of blue.

Nice simple paint jobs and nice muted 'weathered' tones.
