crowbar, bats, bo staff, kitchen knifes, screw drives, bottle of absinthe etc... In truth, most people under duress (scared), couldn't hit a horse with a gun much less a human brain. Melee is much more reliable, and never runs out of ammo.
Non - USA players - we've got no guns!
crowbar, bats, bo staff, kitchen knifes, screw drives, bottle of absinthe
I'll take that last one, please!
Canada. We got guns. A lot of the, actually. Just not anything "too crazy" like in the US. Here we're limited to handguns over a certain size so as to not be hidden, and I think there are some minor barrel restrictions. We also can't have clips over 10 on handguns or rifles. Some others I'm forgetting.
No automatic weapons either.
A weapons collector could bypass these, but your average joe won't. Still lots of firepower. More than enough compared to a lot of places.
Not to go all sterotypical of canadians here, but how good would a hockey stick be to bash zombies heads in?
Depends on the quality of the material like anything else.
Us rural folks don't even need guns. Have you -seen- some of the blades on tractors these days? Guns? Pfffft! How about just driving through a horde and chopping them to bits?
This is one of the more harmless ones, for example:
Also amusing:
-> We need vehicle combat rules for Europe
Edited by DeathByGrotz
What? Really? No weapons in europe? Are you daft?
Switzerland and Finlan has 45 guns per 100 person, sweden, norway, france, austria, germany at 30 per 100. I'm from Norway. If I want to find a gun I can, rather easily. England is a mere 6/100, but you sound rather ignorant when you talk about the rest of the world as if it's unarmed. In norway alot of people didn't return their AG3's when the Homefront wasn't allowed to have them at their homes anymore due to a few....incidents, and illegal guns are not counted among these statistics.
Forgot to mention: Swiss conscripts are required to keep their issued equipment (which includes firearms) at home. So they're likely to be well armed.
Edited by GhaundanI think that troughout history it has been proven that you don't mess with the swiss.
But zombies wont know that.
I gotta agree with jonboyjon here, since i'm from Belgium: We make great guns but we don't have them lying around. At most you are gonna find some hunting rifles with low yield buckshot, nothing high end or with good stoping power. And going to a police station to grab some guns will get you killed in a riot of panic stricken people and or zombies.
FN Herstal has a few vacancies
Now my regular group played EXACTLY the sort of game being proposed here about 3 years ago, right down to playing ourselves. Being from the UK we quickly ignored the idea of guns (though our Airsoft replica's did a cracking job of intimidating non-zombies) and went straight to improvised melee weapons. As several of us are Viking/Saxon reenactors we had proper shields and wood-splitting axes pretty much from the get-go, but one of the simplest weapons that stayed with us all campaign was a humble tire-wrench we got out of the boot of a (my) car right at the start.
An on the subject of vehicle combat - we got our hands on a ballast tractor part of a Thornycroft Antar from a military depot, 20 tons of 6-axle fun that pretty much pancaked everything that was stupid enough to stay in front of it whilst it was moving - it ened up looking like an extra from Mad Max by the end of the campaign with plates, spikes, and an agricultural rotavator being welded to it amongst other things,
I'd imagine I'll endup contributing more tales from our campaign as we find out more about this game.
(sorry if I wandered a little off-topic)
Yes, in the USA we have lots of guns haha
But we don't have old castles! I'm pretty sure find a good castle to hunker down in would be great...the zombies won't be shelling you anytime soon
No, they'll be coming out of the walls because the baron buried his nagging wife there while she was still alive
No, they'll be coming out of the walls because the baron buried his nagging wife there while she was still alive
Pick a nice big castle like Dover and you could probably run an entire campaign just taking the place back from the Z's, there are over 7km of tunnels under that place before you start worrying about the above ground stuff.
The zombie survival guide and World War Z book both agree that castles ar prime real estate to survive a zombie outbreak.
But there's no way in hell you're getting me to go fighting zombies in tunnels. Dark, cramped, no place to swing a weapon... zombies definatly got the advantage there.
to be honest there isn't much difference in fighting through the above ground corridoors of a proper medievil castle and the tunnels under it (and take that from a reenactor thats done both), if anything there is a little more room in the tunnels as they were built to move barrels of blackpowder and such around.
The other advantage to a Castle is they all have a well within the grounds to survive a siege, and without a supply of water your pretty much toast whatever the survival situation.
I was just stating that zombies are very good in close quarters (Ok thats also a bit "well duh" since there is no such thing as a zombie sniper) but you are correct. Man that would have been awkward during the game/actual zombie outbreak:
Castle commander: "Hey Robin, get in them tunnels and clear out the zombies!"
Me: "no way man!"
CC: "sigh, fine, would you help us fight the zombies who broke trough in teh castle's left wing?"
Me: "sure"
me *opens left wing hallway door, spots zombies in tight narrow corridors*
me: "Ah f*ck it!"
zombie: omnomnomnom
Edited by Robin GravesZombies are only as good as the environment lets them be. They don't learn or get better. Tunnels are bottlenecks if you're prepared.
Zombies are only as good as the environment lets them be. They don't learn or get better. Tunnels are bottlenecks if you're prepared.
Yep, was thinking the same thing tight corridors can help you control the numbers you are facing and help stop you from getting flanked/surrounded.
Zombies are only as good as the environment lets them be. They don't learn or get better. Tunnels are bottlenecks if you're prepared.
Yep, was thinking the same thing tight corridors can help you control the numbers you are facing and help stop you from getting flanked/surrounded.
As long as the walls of those tight corridors are solid - I just have images of Z's running clean through the plasterboard walls used for most internal walls these days.
Back to the Castles, I forgot a major resource that all castles tend to have around my area (Kent, UK) cannon and cannon balls. I know most of them have been made safe, and you'd need gunpowder. But lets be honest, if you've got a frigging great 12 pounder cannon sat infront of you you are going to figure a way out of using it, even if its just to push it over a drop onto something.
Oh and to fellow GM's a word on gunpowder from a friend of mine who has some knowledge in this area - most English castles that do public shows do have a supply of powder on-site somewhere for use in reenactments - not sure if it applies in Wales or Scotland but you never know.
More random musings from me later no doubt
As long as the walls of those tight corridors are solid - I just have images of Z's running clean through the plasterboard walls used for most internal walls these days.
I don't imagine any zombie running through anything. Don't think I'd run a system with runners. Breaking through plasterboard walls yeah, but staying in a single story house is suicide in a zombie apocalypse. Two stories, at least, destroy the stairs up AFTER making sure you have a way down that you brought up there of course.
No such thing as zombie sniper...hmm...
Sorry, mate, there is now.
It would figure that something obsessed with "brains" would be good at headshots
Edited by Robin GravesWe zombies call it instant-salsa.
Best mate is an EOD tech in oz defence force. If we ever survive long enough to bunker up, ain't nothing getting in (or out haha). Having said that, he's also got a bung knee. So it'll be a toss up using him as zombie bait as we all leg it or utilize his bomb disposal skills to set traps.
Sounds like a really cool idea for an RPG imo. Well played FFG, well played indeed.
It's interesting that if you run this system with the PCs playing themselves you're vulnerable to the local culture or context. For instance I'm from the UK. We don't just guns lying around all over the place!
Should make arming the party that much more challenging. Or what about people playing in more rural or isolated areas? They've got far less to work with, but might have reprieve from the immediate effects of the apocalypse? More time to react/prepare?
Seems a really interesting setting. Could be very challenging on a personal level too. I might have to role play that my partner and our children are either dead or undead etc.
It seems you would have more hysterical Shawn of the Dead moments. Perhaps that is just my Yankee perception though.