My Aptitude system tweaks (re: Leadership, world/background aptitudes)

By Covered in Weasels, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hello all,

My players are all experienced gamers and wanted more flexibility in character creation. I made the following tweak to Home World Aptitudes to address this.

Every Home World now offers a choice between two different Aptitudes during character creation. You now have the choice between either of your + attribute Aptitudes; for example, a Void-born could start with either Intelligence or Willpower.

I've house ruled Leadership in my game by expanding its area of influence. The Social aptitude now only applies to skills and talents involving subtle persuasion, deception, and reading others' emotions; only Charm, Deceive, Inquiry, and Fellowship advances use the Social aptitude. A Social-focused character is charming and skilled at manipulating others. By contrast, Leadership represents a commanding presence and great strength of will; it is used to increase the Command, Intimidate and Interrogation skills as well as purchase Willpower advances. Leadership-focused characters may not be charming or subtle, but when they demand information or obedience few can refuse them. To those familiar with World of Darkness, Leadership is analogous to Presence and Social is equivalent to Manipulation.

Using characters from the Ravenor books as an example, Kara Swole has the Social Aptitude -- she's charming, talkative, and good at bluffing her way out of dangerous situations. Lucius Worna has the Leadership Aptitude -- his mere presence makes people quake in their boots, and while he is not charming it's nearly impossible to refuse his commands.

This new approach to Leadership works very well for our group as it allows two styles of social character, similar to how Finesse and Offence both offer distinct combat styles. For a character to truly excel in all social encounters, they must acquire both the Leadership and Social aptitudes.

What are your thoughts on these changes?

NOTE: Noble-born have Fellowship and Influence as + attributes, so I'm not sure what their second option should be -- if you have suggestions, please post them.

Edited by Covered in Weasels

Interesting idea with home worlds choice. Seems natural that the other + is a choice. With "High Born" I would go with intelligence, so they can be shrewd if they are not charming.

All backgrounds have two aptitudes to choose between, so when you write that the backgrounds gained a second choice, you mean you modified? For instance outcast IS social or fieldcraft, so that is an unchanged in your house rules.

I like your leadership changes, makes more sense for intimidation and interrogation.

Interesting idea with home worlds choice. Seems natural that the other + is a choice. With "High Born" I would go with intelligence, so they can be shrewd if they are not charming.

All backgrounds have two aptitudes to choose between, so when you write that the backgrounds gained a second choice, you mean you modified? For instance outcast IS social or fieldcraft, so that is an unchanged in your house rules.

I like your leadership changes, makes more sense for intimidation and interrogation.

Intelligence is a good option. The other possibility I was considering was Willpower, as children are groomed from birth to inherit large fortunes and resist coercion.

I did not change Arbites or AAT, both of which already had two Aptitude choices. I added a second option to the other five backgrounds -- for example, Administratum characters can only take Knowledge according to RAW, but now they can choose between Knowledge or Social.

I did not change Arbites or AAT, both of which already had two Aptitude choices. I added a second option to the other five backgrounds -- for example, Administratum characters can only take Knowledge according to RAW, but now they can choose between Knowledge or Social.

You are using the latest beta document? Because in the released RAW administratum chooses between Knowledge or Social. Astra chooses between defence or psyker. Mechanicus between Tech or Knowledge. Ministorium between Leadership or Social. Imperial guard between Fieldcraft or Leadership. Outcase between Fieldcraft or Social.

Almost your rules, except ministorium.... ;)

Edited by Alox

I did not change Arbites or AAT, both of which already had two Aptitude choices. I added a second option to the other five backgrounds -- for example, Administratum characters can only take Knowledge according to RAW, but now they can choose between Knowledge or Social.

You are using the latest beta document? Because in the released RAW administratum chooses between Knowledge or Social. Astra chooses between defence or psyker. Mechanicus between Tech or Knowledge. Ministorium between Leadership or Social. Imperial guard between Fieldcraft or Leadership. Outcase between Fieldcraft or Social.

Almost your rules, except ministorium.... ;)

I just downloaded my copy of the new rules, and lo and behold they did change the starting Aptitude options for the various backgrounds! Well, this makes me feel a little silly for posting that list of potential changes, but at least it's good to know the designers were thinking along the same lines as me :D

I edited my original post to remove the redundant stuff. My alternate Home Wold Aptitudes and Leadership tweaks are still valid though!

Edited by Covered in Weasels

I'd change Willpower's aptitudes to be Willpower and Leadership or Pysker, since Psyker characters will have a very hard time accessing Leadership and Willpower is a very important stat for them.

I'd change Willpower's aptitudes to be Willpower and Leadership or Pysker, since Psyker characters will have a very hard time accessing Leadership and Willpower is a very important stat for them.

I didn't explicitly state it, but that's what I'm doing as well.

Brief musings on my part say that each character chooses a homeworld, background, and role which come with (among other things) an aptitude each. After that, they're relatively free to choose another three aptitudes. It does open the door to a bit of min-maxing, but is simple enough. idk

Brief comment on my part that Tech still doesn't provide any bonus to any characteristic aptitude.

I'd change Willpower's aptitudes to be Willpower and Leadership or Pysker, since Psyker characters will have a very hard time accessing Leadership and Willpower is a very important stat for them.

I changed Willpower's aptitudes to be, Psyker and Defence, to make Willpower advances more accessible to my players. Leadership, I made into a "Bonus" aptitude so the Ministorum Background would provide Social AND Leadership aptitudes, it hasn't caused any problems yet.

I made leadership an additional aptitude to willpower advances. That balances it quite easily and with a good effect.