So after beginning, characters find new equipment. How can we determine to which weapons there are already MIU ports (DM can rule of course some to have). And which weapons can be fitted with MIU port with Tech-Use or similar skill?
Specifically are there weapon type restrictions? (Other than primitive IMHO)
Are there weapon manufacturer limitations?
Are there weapon quality restrictions?
Waepon size limitations? (If used normally in hand, shouldn't be any other than your characters limitations?=
Other limitations to prevent a weapon from having a MIU port?
Can tech priest mount a weapon without getting the weapon miu ability as his is already more advanced? (If not what does he hav to do to mount it for example to shoulder? Tech-use to make a shoulder mount for the weapon or elsewhere? If materials are readily available?)
And this context is with a TECH-Priest with good quality MIU port, who is able to link to weapons with MIU port and receive +10 BS with MIU linked weapons.