Angry Marines

By Calgor Grim, in Deathwatch House Rules

Greetings chaps,

I got bored and after reading a thread on swearing space marines, I opted to descend to the depths of creativity and mock up something to allow them to be used in Deathwatch. G.Docs since I don't trust copy/paste.

I've added a few new things, might need to rebalance a few of them though. Needless to say given their stat line they would start a good few XP ahead of others. Note that this is a very early first draft, I haven't come up with combat patterns yet as I never used them much myself.

Feedback welcome.

Now for the disclaimer, much of the ideas and concepts are based on the currently available codex and all credit to original authors for any quotes or items named within.

Can't tell if messing with me or not...

Wait till I get even more bored and go for the Emperors pointy sticks...

Dear Emperor preserve us. But no, seriously, very good chapter design, even if Angry Marines is all over 4Chan. Nice work.

You ought to have Furious Assault and/or Hammer Blow available under those. It fits them nicely since they like hitting things repeatedly and hard.

I love the headbutting and warp hammering. You really did a good job capturing these guys, you're missing the power bats, and boots.

Edited by Lord Master Igneus

...Part of me wonders whether the Emperor's Pointy Sticks would start with LESS experience than normal. Would be humorously fitting though.

Great job, totally going to play an angry marine at once if i don't have t master :D

tho I'd like to see the following things added:

Insignia of the Angrymarines

Special Wargear of the Angrymarines

Insignia I can grab off Google however in terms of special wargear, I have included a few chapter relics. What did you have in mind though, power feet rules?

A bit PG-13 where the Angry Marines are a hard R like it though. Instead of 1000 more xp at character creation, try no extra xp at character creation but better Requisition. That way Angry Marine characters can start with Adamantine 2 x 4's with nails in them, Power Feet, packs of smokes what-have-you. Probably shouldn't give them xp to say they are good at being space marines.

I'm trying to offset their extra starting skills and talents to some degree. It's also not so much you get an extra 1000xp anyway. Most normal marines start at creation having spent 13000 (or it might be 12, I forget this evening) in the basic stuff they already have just for being deathwatch marines. I'm saying that Ive forcibly spent a bit more to get them to where they are so in effect they are a little closer to their next rank.

Also I've had to tone it down to a 12A rating as so is this forum :)

12k for being a Marine, plus an extra 1k for the Deathwatch initiation package, IIRC.

Really like it, just a concern: you haven't spelled out a Solo mode ability, as well as Squad mode attack and defence patterns. Here is my proposal.

Solo mode ability: I'M COMING FOR YOU

There are many enemies of the Imperium who don't wish to face an Angry Marine in close-combat. Therefore, those cowards often hide behind distance or swarms of their mooks. This will not deter an Angry Marine though, for his training allow him to close this distance while avoiding the worst of the enemy fire. Once per combat, for one turn, an Angry Marine improves his Agility Bonus by +1 for the purpose of determining Movement (for all the forms of Movement actions). This occurs before potential doubling by the Astartes jump pack. The Marine also inflicts a -10 penalty on Overwatch attacks against him. Improvement: at rank 3, the Angry Marine also gets a +20 on his Intimidate test to do a War-cry if he charges while using this power; at rank 5, the penalty to Overwatch is increased to -20; at rank 7, the Angry Marine gets +10 on Movement skills (except Silent Move).

Attack pattern: JUST HIT THEM

Half-action, cost 2, sustained

The squad is driven by the furious assaults of the Angry Marines and starts to display his dedication, the sight of a squad of raging Astartes is a terrifying sight to behold. The Battle-Brother and those in support range get the Fear 1 (Disturbing) trait or increase the Fear they provoke by +1; they get +10 to resist Fear. Improvement: at rank 4, they get +10 to-hit (both melee and ranged, even though the latter will probably be ill-regarded by the Angry Marine) against those who failed to save against Fear; at rank 7, their Fear trait is 2 (Frightening) or is increased by +2.

Defence pattern: THEY WILL REGRET IT

Free action, cost 3, sustained

Even when the tide of battle turns against the Angry Marines, they retain the ability to sell their lives at a high price, retaliating until their last breath. The Angry Marine and those in support range may, when attacked in melee, forgo their Reaction in exchange for an immediate melee attack (at +0) against their attacker, its damage increased by half their Rank, rounding up. Improvement: at rank 5 or more, this attack gets +10 to-hit.