Masquade Ball Encounter 1 Monsters can leave map?

By jimjim19681968, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Our group played this map the other night. The game ends when all monsters are dead or have left the map (taking party guests with them).

At the close of the game, I (Overlord) had one monster left and the heroes made a run for the search cards. Before they could reach the searches, It was my turn and my one remaining monster made a swift run to the exit (without a guest). Then game ended, as all monsters were gone. I prevented the heroes claiming the remaining searches.

Was this a legal move?

Many thanks in advance.

Unfortunately it was not a legal move. Monsters cannot ordinarily leave the map during quests, it requires special quest rules. The quest rules for this particular instance require that the monsters be escorting a guest off the map in order to leave.

Regardless of the consequences (****!), thanks very much for resolving this problem.

I shall allow the heroes to claim the remaining rewards.

Believe me, I"ve tried to come up with solutions like that before only to find they don't work. I've tried having my last monster kill itself too, only to find that they aren't ordinarily allowed to do that.

Believe me, I"ve tried to come up with solutions like that before only to find they don't work. I've tried having my last monster kill itself too, only to find that they aren't ordinarily allowed to do that.

Blood Rage, my friend. Blood Rage.

I used Blood Rage to end a scenario in just that fashion.

Blood Rage! Awesome!

Yeah, I rarely take blood rage. The first time I played the game I went the warlord route and demolished the heroes with the cards, even with the nerfs to them. However, ever since then, they've always chosen a more durable group that can take a beating and clear monsters faster, making it so I've focused on delaying them more. Given that knocking them out is rarely a required objective for victory, I just don't bother with such cards generally, web trap and imploding rift too good.