Release Date?

By trevlix, in Zombie Apocalypse

Any release dates for this? Looks pretty good!

Just says fall of this year.

Just says fall of this year.

So Summer 2015 then. ;)

There abouts... Lol

They've been pretty good with star wars, only the betas seem to miss street dates. Not sure about other lines though.

I thought it was fourth quarter 2014? Probably between december and february.

Any idea of release dates for the other three books in the series? I'm hoping quicker than the 1/yr the Star Wars series has utilized...

Spanish version (original) is out ???

But unfortunately. Ot many of us here can read or write Spanish.

And when I see fourth quarter 2014, I see September thru to December. Anything after that is the fourth quarter of the next year.

Hope its before Halloween. I usually run a Halloween game using "All flesh must be Eaten." or Savage Worlds "War of the dead."

Very interested in seeing the rule system.

I can't wait for this. I loved 'Outbreak: Undead', but found it too fiddly; loved 'All Flesh Must Be Eaten', but it never felt RIGHT for the genre, in my view.

I am looking for a game that allows me to easily emulate things like 'The Last of Us' and Telltale's 'The Walking Dead'. Hopefully this is it!

I've never found a copy of outbreak undead, it seeme to be quite rare. As far as all flesh is concerned. Fr me it looked outdated and I myself never got a copy cause it just did not grab my attention. A lot of people have told me it's good, but that art stops me.

Outbreak: Undead not only allows you to make yourself into a character (using an online quiz that helps to formulate your stats), but it also pays very close attention to realistic concerns: infections, the dangers of using loud weapons like handguns and chainsaws, and other things. It has a multitude of zombie types, and a good system - but it's a system that can be fiddly to get your head around sometimes, and that was always a reason why I defaulted to AFMBE.

However, if this system proves to be exemplary, then I may default to this instead! As with all FFG products, I have high hopes.

Does anyone have any idea if there will be "special" dice required for this? I am hoping not. But, based on other FFG releases, I assume that they have worked up their own proprietary set of dice...

It might sound petty, but that would be the deal-breaker for me. If it has special dice, I will just keep on with my group's D&D campaign(s). But, if I can buy the core books for this and get started without everyone buying new dice, I'll definitely try it. This game sounds awesome.

What makes you think there will be proprietary dice? Like 2 of their systems use a unique set.

There was already a large...discussion about that possibility in another thread it's not likely to start up again here.

No official word one way or the other, the Spanish version of the game uses a d6 system. I doubt FFG will mess with the system.

Maybe they will do nicely colored dice for each game, but ones that still function as normal D6, maybe red/black dice with a zombie head for the 1 pip side for zombie apocalypse. that would be acceptable. We all know FF likes to make tokens and odd dice.

What makes you think there will be proprietary dice? Like 2 of their systems use a unique set.

There was already a large...discussion about that possibility in another thread it's not likely to start up again here.

No official word one way or the other, the Spanish version of the game uses a d6 system. I doubt FFG will mess with the system.

I look forward to see what kind of system they will use. I would not be apposed to have to buy special dice for this. I really like Star Wars system and it's not really that much of an extra investment. I have probably 10-15 sets of d20-d4's (used to buy them in big tubes back in the day and amassed a collection over time) so me having to spend a few bucks on another set is no big deal they are cheap usually. I think I paid maybe $10 for my extra set of star wars dice and I have seen them now as low as $7 but two sets is enough for me and my group.

One thing we don't know is how much they have to follow the spanish version. From what i hear it wasn't well received, which means they could attempt to do their own thing and fix the issues with the original (which could mean new dice mechanic). Whatever they do I am sure it will be good, I've been overly impressed with their products so far although I have only played their star wars rpg so not sure how the other rpgs are by comparison. I'm just looking forward to hearing more about this and I think we might be seeing it close to Halloween due to the theme but that's just speculation (or wishful thinking) :)

According to the site it says you can buy it now.


According to the site it says you can buy it now.


In the catalog section of the site it does have the "Buy Now" tab, but when you click on that and go to the shop section of the site, it says "not yet released."

Of course that's subject to change at any moment. ;)

And to me the price ($39.95) is at least 25% too high.

Edited by Bornite

For the core of a system? That's pretty great compared to the WH40K line, 60 for a core 40 for big books.

For the core of a system? That's pretty great compared to the WH40K line, 60 for a core 40 for big books.

The Spanish version is 19.90 euro (about $25). And the WH40K stuff has been overpriced for years. But then I tend to be very frugal.

What the Spanish version costs has no real bearing on the price of this unfortunately. I think they base their costs of pagecount for the most part.

What the Spanish version costs has no real bearing on the price of this unfortunately. I think they base their costs of pagecount for the most part.

The Spanish publisher or FFE?

Going by the review referenced in other threads, the original runs 280 pages and is soft cover, so I would hope that FFE has something to justify the sizable jump in price.

FFG I believe by page.

We know how many pages the English version has? Because you actually may end up, most often than not, with a lower page count when translating from Spanish to English.

I keep checking FRP games website to see if they have a preorder ready. So far :(