In this quest (quest #4 in the core game), the heroes need to carry a princess around the dungeon. In the rules, it states that:
"A hero can carry her without using his hands, but the hero receives one fewer movement point at the start of his turn (minimum 0)"
Our OL seems to think this should be cumulative each turn a hero carrys her. So one less movment point the first turn, two the second, three the third, ect. He says it signifies that the hero is getting tired.
I gues that makes sense, but i do not see anything in the text that says it increases by one point every turn.
Also, the term 'movement point' is different than 'speed'. So if a character with a speed of 4 does an advance action, he only gets 3 movementpoints if he is holding the princess. But a run action would give him 7 movement points.... right?