So, at some point, I did a thread on marriage, or alternatives to it, that Rogue Traders might do, and now, I am looking to sort of expand on that with this. For people who play the game long enough, and who play with an eye toward the future, rather than just today, or say "it's a game. We don't need to plan that much." one assumes that your Rogue Trader (sorry to hedge out your fun characters who AREN'T the RT) is going to need to have an heir. If you don't run a system of appointment, where you declare someone else as your heir, you'd probably need to have a child, to carry on your legacy; maybe carve the last letter, or two, of your name into the moon of BLANK, in the event you die before it's completed.
For those of you who have RPed their character to that degree, regardless of how you got a child (might've hooked up with a noble, their child, found an especially attractive nobody on your ship, or even taken another RT hostage for breeding purposes, not an issue which), what did you do with that offspring? Keeping your child on your ship is safe, in that a lot of your power can be brought to bear to keep them safe, but not so much in that ships can be raided, lost in the warp, or destroyed, causing the loss of you AND your heir. Alternatively, you could send them to a planet, and trust others to watch them, like Aoife Armengarde sort of does, but that's got its own perils, too. When it came time for YOU to make this decision, what did you go with?