OhSteven's Trade List - Updated June 11th, 2009. Few wants ATM. Anyone have Bleach cards?

By Guest, in UFS Trading

ah, i didnt get to go to your guys regionals, but i heard the lubbock scene got smashed there... who ended up qualifying to go to nationals?

tader! if you read this please get on msn or text me!

Cheers man, hopefully I'll hear from you.

No offense Tader.

yo hit me up on aim to talk if you still have any of the stuff i was interested in. i'm also still interested in other stuff off your list if you don't.

my aim is ScottGainesUFS my email is [email protected]

I have of your wants....

2x Military Combat Arts(mid)
4x The King of Fighters 2006(mid)
4x Healer (High)
1x Shooting Capoera(mid)
4x Rootless (Mid)
1x Shredding Vibrato(Mid)

What I am interested in....

Knight Breaker, Feline Spike, and a few others...email me if interested in trading [email protected]

updated Haves and wants and scott i added you on aim, but i havent seen you on yet.

Tader's trade went through and he fulfilled most of my wants, so new stuff is wanted! :P

Would you do my blood Runs True For your Knight Breaker? LMK

Sol, that might be something im interested in, not 100% sure yet, but you are from Texas yeah? what part? I see that you are friends with Jason (jasco) also do you have AIM/MSN? make this easier

OhSteven said:

Sol, that might be something im interested in, not 100% sure yet, but you are from Texas yeah? what part? I see that you are friends with Jason (jasco) also do you have AIM/MSN? make this easier

Im from TX and yeah I have [email protected]

Pending trades with Jdub, ShadowDragon, and Sol Badguy. Updated haves and wants.

Everything pending has been sent out, so if you are looking to trade for them, sorry guys, but feel free to take a look at my other stuff! Thanks again to Jdub, ShadowDragon, and Sol Badguy for our trades.