Hey all, ive been caling around but have not found a game store planning to run a league just yet. Does anyone happen to know of one for Sacramento? If not, woumd anyone happen to be up for some weekly games?
Hey all, ive been caling around but have not found a game store planning to run a league just yet. Does anyone happen to know of one for Sacramento? If not, woumd anyone happen to be up for some weekly games?
I don't know of any places either but I would be interested in meeting up for some casual/weekly games. I usually play at Great Escape Games off of Howe avenue in the Arden area. Shoot me a personal message if your interested in doing so.
Hey there, I was hoping to talk to the owner of Great Escape Games off of Howe Avenue that's behind Ross & Marshal if I could set up a casual league and maybe have some monthly tournaments. Game came out today so I'll make sure to send an email over the weekend. I'll be there at six tonight with a friend if you want to come down and meet us. Hope to see you guys there. =)
Do people still meet up for this game?
Edited by sawtoothautumnQuick update...there will be weekly meet ups at Great Escape Games ( http://www.greatescapegames.com/ ) in Sacramento, CA on Sunday's from 12P.M. till 6P.M.
Come and join us!