Any idea if and when we should see this on
Any idea if and when we should see this on
It's when, not if, and it should be soon. AFAIK FFG usually releases their pdf's 2'ish months after the print versions.
As Simsum said, FFG usually let's a month or two pass from the release of their books until they are available as OEF PDF:s.
It differs greatly, but in my experience, expect a month for supplements/adventures and two months for core rulebooks.
With OW it was ~1month IIRC
Considering more then a few of us paid for the beta, and that discount only applies on the PDF, it'd be nice if we could get it sooner rather then later.
That said, I'd buy the book in a heartbeat if I didn't have to pay 40$ in shipping
You aren't alone OP. Waiting till the pdf hits release for our group doing a campaign with it. It might be a few weeks at least still before we get the PDF out.
I don't blame FFG for the hard copy first policy, it's friendly to local stores, and proably actually cuts down on piracy
I got mine from DriveThruRPG today.
Its on
Anybody know how to get the beta discount now ?
You should get an e-mail with a link to apply the discount, at least I did.
I didnt *argh*
Does anyone know how long the discount is good for?
no idea. But finally, after making a Drivethru ticket, I also got mine.
The email is marked as being sent by FFG, not DriveThru, which threw me off. I imagine the discount doesn't expire.
The email says the discount is for a limited time, which surprised me. Downloading now (or trying to, drivethru always takes a while preparing bigger pdfs)
The email is marked as being sent by FFG, not DriveThru, which threw me off. I imagine the discount doesn't expire.
Quoting the email:
Edited by SimsumAs someone who previously purchased the Dark Heresy 2E Beta, you qualify for a $20 discount on the Dark Heresy 2E PDF!
Just click the link below to get your discounted PDF, but act fast, this offer ends soon!
Okay, you got me, I didn't read the email but for the first 2 lines or so.
Okay, you got me, I didn't read the email but for the first 2 lines or so.
I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be a ****, I just thought it'd be a good idea to post the relevant bit of the email.
Fun story guys. That link you got in your email? That's the same link I got in my email. Anyone in the world can use that link to get the PDF on the cheap.
The more you know.
LoL! I'm sorely tempted to post it
Who knows, maybe they query if your account has the beta when you come in via that link.
I don't see the point in testing it though... :-)
I just got an email earlier from drivethru saying I was able to get my discount. Yaaay!
Edited by LexdamusIT'S OUT!!!!!!!!
I had an issue with the link earlier. Took me to the discounted posting, but when I attempted to checkout it forced me back to the full priced PDF and invalidated my access to the discount. If this happens to you, contact FFG and they will send you an email with a corrected link. Contacting DriveThru I just kept getting a form response with a link that only took me back to the front page of the site. *shrug* I think they're just having some basic difficulties today with DH2 .
-=Brother Praetus=-
The new email says the discount is only good for ONE WEEK!
Also, 300 MB... It's going to be a clunky file.