Hello guys and Gals? I am looking for a few players to replace those in my Only war group, we have just started out the camp, but I have found it hard to get every one together , I have decided to remove a few players who have constantly not turned up to games due to there person reasons, which is understandable , and thought here would be a good place to get and obtain reliable players.( I could use both reddit and roll20 but thought this time better to recruit from here as well )
Im looking for 1-3 players to replace those who are going.
Squad make up
Weapons specialist ( also the squads SGT)
Medic ( player that needs replacing)
Heavy weapons gunner
Pysker ( player that is being replaced)
We are using all the only war books , and a few DH and Rogue trader for extra weapons.
House rules for Comrades , and players will also get paid in thrones per month .
Next game is Sunday the 7th of September.
Players must have the following:
Internet connection
Be able to Make Sunday games 2 Pm UK time ( almost every week)
Must have skype with head phones / ,microphone
Be able to speak English to a conversational level.
Setting : Spinward front Calixis sector : Khonsu system _ planet Scourge
Brief info : Scourge is a Shire world in the progress of being built, with a small population of around 35million loyal imperial citizens. the relatively small world is famous for it's vast lighting farms, storm clouds that cover most of the planet and a very old piece of arco tech, rumors that it was made by the emperor him self, the bronze throne, capable of sustaining some ones life till the end of time. Due to the obscure location of the the planet the talk of arco tech is often just rumors.
The world is now under siege by the severan dominate you the players are part of a imperial task force to retake the world and the system, it is unsure if the severan dominate wants the nearby agricultural world , and this world is just a bonus... or if they seek the rumored arco tech.
The last massage that got through from the system was a distress call stating that the severan dominate had invaded, the system defense fleet was ever destroyed or fled the field. The planet was under attack, the PDF we taking heavy loses, the artifact had been moved to a Local Adeptus sororitas monastery .
A regiment of the 891 Maccabean Janissariess was quickly dispatched to the planet to assist in its defense, but no word has arrived of its condition.
Whats happened so far:
The players were introduced to the ship transporting them to the world, players were briefed on the situation and the mission. the players entered the planet and dropped to the surface to engage the enemy ( being drop troopers) The squad was dropped off course and landed in hostile controlled territory with in a urban environment . The squad engaged a field gun and is now engaging in a heated battle with in a ware house , they are currently cut off and are attempting to link up with friendly forces.
Edited by CommissarWilliams