Aquiering a Warrent

By Quoth, in Rogue Trader

So, not to give too much away in the event someone from my group sees this, but who would one aquire their own warrent of trade while in game? Without stealing it from the groups Rogue Trader ofc, I want my own.

Petition the High lords of Terra?

Get politically powerful enough to make the High Lords want you out of the way but visible enough that they have to hide you in glory?

Steal a wildcat "Whomsoever holds this warrant shalt claim the powers of a Rogue Trader, worthy in His eyes" warrant?

Get a photocopier and a few ranks in Deceive?

Coerce someone into giving you a Letter of Marque and pretend that it's a Warrant, trusting that most people won't know any better (And get a fast ship to outrun those that do)?

Marry into an existing Rogue Trader dynasty. Bonus points if accidents co-incidentally remove everyone else with a claim to that warrant.

Conquer the Koronus Expanse (there are no laws there, it's fine) and become an immensely popular figure among the common people, while obviously holding inconvenient political views towards the entrenched aristocracy of the nearby Calixis and Scarus sectors. When the Koronus Sector is declared, popular opinion will demand you become Governor of the sector, resulting in you getting a full fledged Warrant of Trade whose powers do not extend to the Koronus Expanse in order to get you to move your politically inconvenient crew somewhere else.

It's what was done with the Haarlock family, and that probably went well for everyone concerned.

Some of the RT fluff mentions political members in the Calaxis Sector authorizing Warrants of Trade. So possibly the Sector Governor can sign off on them, if it's it backed by a faction in the Calaxis Sector or beyond (Inquisition, AdMech, Ecc., Merchants, Imperial Navy, PDF of a renowned area, Sector Nobility, etc. etc.).

So many of the above methods seem to want to dole one out as a punishment, or an excuse to be rid of you, but if you happen to be a good, and useful enough person to some of the politically elite, and especially if they might get a cut of your profits, you might actually be able to request, or receive one as an actual gift. One of my RT fluff-balls, Edric Korvallus, was an Admiral in Segmentum Solar, and had reached the highest position possible without having to have a Lord Admiral die. As a great and upstanding soldier and officer, if a bit old at the time, others in the power base decided that such a valued leader could be of use in the role of Rogue Trader, and as he had started to tire of "needless loss of men", as he sometimes described tasks he had to oversee, his new title would allow him to spend the lives of his crew as HE saw fit; a win for everyone. Granted, most Rogue Traders, as the name implies, are probably a little crazy, rules-light, and ambitious as all get out, but the Warrant doesn't have to simply be a power play for someone else to get rid of a troublesome rival; the Emperor gave out the first Warrants to those He trusted to make the Imperium grow and prosper, and the Sector Lord, the Inquisition, or the High Lords themselves could certainly do that again; it's in their best interests to put some loyal, qualified personnel out there.

You could also win it in a card game, or some other act of chance.

You could also win it in a card game, or some other act of chance.

What, like the Milenium Aquilla? :)

Edited by Robin Graves

You could also win it in a card game, or some other act of chance.

What, like the Milenium Aquilla? :)

Think Blitz(?) is said to have won his Warrant in a card game/gambling with somebody who could get him issued a new Warrant. The flashy dude. Yes, this is an official book RT.