2014 Miscellaneous Large Tournaments Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

We'll be having a Wave 5 legal tournament in Queensland on the weekend, as well, but we're only looking at around 20 players. Don't know if you'd still be interested in that, Juggler?

Sure - if you have the info then post it here.

We actually only ended up with 14 players. 20 might have been just okay, but I wouldn't really qualify 14 as a "large" event.

If you would like to post full results here we won't complain, being early in wave 5.

Thanks all for the updates, I'll see about getting these compiled this week.

35 player Wave 5 tournament updated on the first page. Still waiting on some squads to come through but the top 7 + others are in there.

Sanctioned filmed the final (and others I think) and I'll update the post to include the link once they have released the video.

Congratulations on the win! I'll give you a few more days, or a week, to get as many squads as you can, and then I'll pull them all into the first post. Just bump the thread or message me when you think you have all the squads that you'll get.

Looks like that's it, we have the Top 8 and a few others now.

The TO has the full results but is on holidays overseas and won't be back for awhile.

Sanctioned video link added to the Australian Wave 5 Tournament bottom of page 1