2014 Miscellaneous Large Tournaments Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

I'm starting this thread in case people have tournament results that they would like to submit and have recorded for large events other than Store Championships, Regionals, Nationals, or Worlds.

I'm only trying to collect results from the LARGER tournaments, so my approximate cutoff is events that have an attendance of 30+. This number is somewhat arbitrary, so if you have results that you would like to share for a slightly smaller tournament then please go ahead anyway. We're looking for the same information as in the Regionals / Nationals:

  • Location
  • Event Date
  • Venue Name
  • Legal waves & expansions
  • Tournament format (rounds of Swiss + Final Cut)
  • Attendance
  • Any battle report links, or international forum discussion threads.
  • Exact squad breakdown including upgrades for Final Cut + Top Third by numerical ranking after Swiss. Even better if you have 100% of the lists from the TO.
  • Elimination match brackets so we know who lost to who.
1st Battle of Tatooine (August 9: Dormagen, Germany)

Venus Name: ???
Attendance: 32
5 rounds of swiss, 60 minutes
Expansions: through Wave 4
  • Winner: Han Solo with VI, Luke Skywalker, C3-PO, MF-Title, Engine Upgrade; 2x Tala Squadron Pilots; 1x Bandit Squadron Pilot (25)
  • 2nd: Luke Skywalker with Predator, R2-D2; Wedge Antilles with Predator; Wes Janson with VI, R3-A2 (20)
  • 3rd: Whisper with VI, Fire-Control-System & Advanced Cloaking Device; 5x Academy Pilots (20)
  • 4th: Turr Phennir with VI; Howlrunner; 4x Black Squadron Pilots (20)
  • 5th: Han Solo with Determination & R2-D2; Chewbacca with Predator, C-3P0 & MF-Title (20)
  • 6th: Whisper with VI, Intelligence Agent & Advanced Cloaking Device; Bounty Hunter with Recon Specialist; Omicron Group Pilot with Darth Vader (15)
  • 7th: Han Solo with Determination, C-3P0, Luke Skywalker, MF-Title; Bandit Squadron Pilot with Assault Missiles; 2x Bandit Squadron Pilots (15)
  • 8th: Chewbacca with Veteran Instincts, Mercenary Co-Pilot & C3-P0; Han Solo with Gunner & MF-Title (15)

NOVA Open (August 30: Arlington, Virginia, United States )

Venus Name: Hyatt Regency, Crystal City

Attendance: 32

5 Rounds; 75 minute rounds
Elimination Rounds - 75 min, untimed championship round
Expansions: through wave 4
  • Winner: Ira Mayers (2nd seed) - Echo + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device + Weapons Engineer + Fire Control Systems; Col. Vessery + Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon; Backstabber (3I)
  • Top 2: Steven Dodd (4th seed) - Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Stealth Device; 2x Omicron Group Pilot + Fire Control Systems; Omicron Group Pilot (Fel 4I)
  • Top 4: Neil Jenkins (6th seed, lost to Ira) - Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Gunner + C-3PO + Millenium Falcon Title; Corran Horn + Push the Limit + R2-D2 + Fire Control System (YT+1)
  • Top 4: Mishary Al-Faris (8th seed, lost to Steven) - Soontir Fel + Push the Limit; Howlrunner; Black Squadron Pilot + Draw Their Fire; 3x Academy Pilot (Fel Swarm)
  • Top 8: Jeff Faulkner (1st seed, lost to Mishary) - Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Gunner + C-3PO + Millenium Falcon Title + Engine Upgrade; Wedge Antilles + Push the Limit + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade (YT+1)
  • Top 8: Tony Bowman (3rd seed, lost to Neil) - Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Gunner + C-3PO + Millenium Falcon Title + Assault Missiles; Jan Ors + Veteran Instincts + Moldy Crow Title + Recon Specialist + Blaster Turret + Hull Upgrade (YT+1)
  • Top 8: Noah Jenkins (5th seed, lost to Steven) - Howlrunner; Backstabber; 5x Obsidian Squadron Pilots (Swarm)
  • Top 8: Cody Seeger (7th seed, lost to Ira) - Airen Cracken; 2x Blue Squadron Pilot + Heavy Laser Cannon; Rookie Pilot + R3-A2 (4R)

2nd Battle of Tatooine (October 10: Dormagen, Germany)

Venus Name: ???
Attendance: 32
5 rounds of Swiss, 65 minutes
Expansions: through Rebel Aces
  • Winner (25 points): Whisper + VI + ACD + Rebel Captive; 5x Academy Pilot
  • #2 (20 points): Han Solo + Marksmanship + Chewbacca + Gunner; Corran Horn + VI + FCS + R2-D2
  • #3 (20 points): Garven Dreis; "Dutch" + Ion Cannon Turret + R2; Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret + R2; Rookie Pilot
  • #4 (20 points): Bounty Hunter + Seismic Charge + Recon Specialist; Bounty Hunter + Seismic Charge + Rebel Captive; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader
  • #5 (18 points): 2x Bounty Hunter + Seismic Charge + Recon Specialist; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader
  • #6 (18 points): Han Solo + Predator + C-3PO + Luke + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon; 3x Bandit Squadron
  • #7 (16 points): Soontir Fel + PTL, Targeting Computer; 2x Obsidian Squadron Piots; 2x Gamma Squadron Pilots + Seismic Charges
  • #8 (15 points): Howlrunner + VI; Turr Phennir + VI; Mauler Mithil + VI; 3x Academy Piots
  • #9 (15 points):
  • #10 (15 points):
  • #11 (15 points):
  • #12 (15 points):
  • #13 (15 points):
  • #14 (15 points):
  • #15 (13 points):
  • #16 (11 points):
  • #17 (11 points)
  • #18 (10 points):
  • #19 (10 points):
  • #20 (10 points):
  • #21 (10 points):
  • #22 (10 points):
  • #23 (10 points):
  • #24 (10 points):
  • #25 (10 points):
  • #26 (6 points):
  • #27 (5 points):
  • #28 (5 points):
  • #29 (5 points):
  • #30 (5 points):
  • #31 (3 points):
  • #32 (0 points):

Warzone X-wing Singles (December 6: Sydney, Australia)

Venus Name: Good Games Town Hall
Attendance: 35
6 rounds of Swiss, 60 minutes
Expansions: through wave 5 (no debris fields)
Sanctioned video coverage of the final:
40k Warzone on Facebook have pictures: https://www.facebook.com/40kwarzone?fref=ts
Sanctioned on Facebook also have pics: https://www.facebook.com/Sanctionedevents?fref=ts
  • Winner: Morgan Reid, 6-0. Admiral Chiraneau, Expose, Isard, Reb Cap, Experimental Interface; Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD.
  • 2nd: Luke Sunol, 5-1 (lost to 5th place). Kenkirk, PTL, Gunner, Isard, Vader; Whisper, VI, Navigator, ACD.
  • 3rd: Travis Foss, 5-1 (lost to 1st place). Ten Numb, VI, Adv Sen, Autoblaster; 5 x Bandits.
  • 4th: Rob Sakaluk, 4-2 (lost to 3rd and other). Chewie, Lone Wolf, Gunner, C3P0, Title; Gold Sqn, Ion, R3-A2; Blue Sqn.
  • 5th: Iain Third, 4-2 (lost to 1st and 3rd place). Whisper, VI, FCS, Recce Spec, ACD; Soontir, PTL, Stealth; 2x Academy Pilot
  • 6th: Casey Millwood, 4-2 (lost to 1st place and other). Dash Rendar, PTL, Kyle, HLC, Engine, Outrider; Eaden Vrill, HLC, Recce Spec
  • 7th: Grant O'Dwyer, 4-2 (lost to 1st and 2nd place). Chewie, Predator, C3P0, Title; Leebo, Lone Wold, Recce Spec, HLC, Outrider
  • 8th: Daniel Robinson, 4-2. Oicunn, Ruthlessness, Gunner, Isard, Mara Jade, Dauntless; Echo, VI, Adv Sen, Recce Spec, ACD.
  • 9th: TBC
  • 10th: TBC
  • 11th: Michael Garrett. Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD; Soontir, PTL, Shield, Stealth, Title; OGP, Vader.
  • 12th: Chee Hoe Wong. Kenkirk, Predator, Gunner, Isard; Whisper, VI, FCS, Gunner, ACD.
  • 13th: TBC
  • 14th: TBC
  • 15th: James Horne, 3-3 (lost to 1st, 6th and other). Wedge, Opportunist, R2 Astro; Wes Janson, VI; Farlander, PTL, Engine
  • 16th: TBC

Edited by MajorJuggler


Grief, three 2-ship builds in the top 8. 2 ship is the new 4 ship.

Yeah, very interesting results in there. The squad types are more evenly distributed than during the start of wave 4 though:

  • 3 SuperFalcon + 1 ship
  • 2 TIE Swarms
  • 1 4-ship Rebel
  • 1 ACD+VI Phantom
  • 1 3 Lambda

I will be getting all of the squad lists, and will update it later.

1st Battle of Tatooine

Location: Dormagen, Germany

Date: 09.08.2014 - 8/9/2014

Attendance: 32

5 rounds of swiss, 60 minutes

Expansions: everything trough Wave 4

Winner : Han Solo with VI, Luke Skwaylker, C3-PO, MF-Title, Engine Upgrade; 2x Tala Squadron Pilots; 1x Bandit Squadron Pilot (25)

2nd : Luke Skwaylker with Predator, R2-D2; Wedge Antilles with Predator; Wes Janson with VI, R3-A2 (20)

3rd : Whisper with VI, Fire-Control-System & Advanced Cloaking Device; 5x Academy Pilots (20)

4th : Turr Phennir with VI; Howlrunner; 4x Black Squadron Pilots (20)

5th : Han Solo with Determination & R2-D2; Chewbacca with Predator, C3-P0 & MF-Title (20)

6th : Whisper with VI, Intelligence Agent & Advanced Cloaking Device; Bounty Hunter with Recon Specialist; Omicon Group Pilot with Darth Vader (15)

7th : Han Solo with Determination, C3-P0, Luke Skywalker, MF-Title; 1x Bandit Squadron Pilot with Assault Missiles; 2x Bandit Squadron Pilots (15)

8th : Chewbacca with Veteran Instincts, Mercenary Co-Pilot & C3-P0; Han Solo with Gunner & MF-Title (15)

Edited by Nickos13

2nd Battle of Tatooine

Location: Dormagen, Germany

Date: 03.10.2014 - 10/3/2014

Attendance: 32

5 rounds of swiss, 65 minutes

Expansions: everything trough Rebel Aces

Winner : Whispter with VI, Rebel Captive, advanced cloak device; 5x Academics

2nd : Han Solo with Marksman, Chewie, Gunner; Corran Horn with VI, FCS, R2-D2

3rd : Rookie, Garven Dreis, "Dutch" Vander with Ion, R2; Gold Squadron with Ion, R2

4th : BH with Seismic, Recon Specialist; BH with Seismic, Rebel Captive; Doom Shuttle

5th : 2x BH with Seismic, Recon Specialist; Doom Shuttle

6th : Han Solo with Predator, C-3PO, Luke, Engine Upgrade, Millennium Title; 3x Bandit Squadron

7th : 2x Obsidians; 2x Gamma Squadron with Seismic; Soontir Fel with PTL, Targeting Computer

8th : "Howlrunner" with VI; Thurr Phennir with VI; "Mauler Mithil" with VI; 3x Academics

If you need more infos for your statics, look at our public folder: orga.piratesoftatooine.de There you will find the folder "Squadlisten/2. Schlacht um Tatooine" an Excel file ("Squadlisten.xslx"). On the first tab of this document you will find, all names and there Squads (just open the YASB Link and your see the Squads in english ;) ). The results can be find on T3 .

If you need more infos for your statics, look at our public folder: orga.piratesoftatooine.de There you will find the folder "Squadlisten/2. Schlacht um Tatooine" an Excel file ("Squadlisten.xslx"). On the first tab of this document you will find, all names and there Squads (just open the YASB Link and your see the Squads in english ;) ). The results can be find on T3 .

Great, thanks! I will try and get those all recorded here this weekend.

I am also going to see about getting the full HOTH results.

hi MJ,

Where can I find the most updated large collection of data?

I'm wondering if the meta has changed any significant amount since Nationals. Is Falcon use up and Phantom use down more? (And a few more swarms?)

Going to bump this since there's got to have been some tournaments recently! Anything with like a dozen attendees or more would be nice to see if anyone has any info :)

Did Sean get you the results of the HOTH tourney?

What about the Spanish and Canadian Nationals?

hi MJ,

Where can I find the most updated large collection of data?

I'm wondering if the meta has changed any significant amount since Nationals. Is Falcon use up and Phantom use down more? (And a few more swarms?)

What about the Spanish and Canadian Nationals?

The Nationals data is all in text form in the Nationals Thread , including the Spanish and Canadian Nationals. However unlike the Regionals data, I have not entered it all into an Excel file: it is text-only in the thread posts. The Canadian Nationals is specifically in this post . It is linked to on the first page under the Canada spoiler tab, but I haven't pulled it into my standard format yet.

Did Sean get you the results of the HOTH tourney?

I got the squad sheets from him, but I'm pretty sure I still need the standings after Swiss, and the elimination breakdown. I'll text his bat-phone.

Hopefully I can work on all that tonight while we are recording NOVA podcast and our special guests talk about their tournament experiences. (spoiler alert, Canadian Nationals winner and runner-up will be on the show! :) )

Edited by MajorJuggler

I can tell you a lot of the breakdowns for HOTH.

The elimination was myself versus Victor Robles. Victor flew Fat Chewy plus 3 Z's. I flew Yorr Worst Nightmare except a doomshuttle instead of Yorr. I won. The other elimination was Hothie beating Sean Esser. Hothie flew a tie swarm and Esser flew his rebel swarm. I faced Hothie in the finals and beat him. He flew Hooked on Phonetics (which I thought was pretty hilarious).

From September 2nd until October 25th, we celebrated the one year anniversary of the Phoenix Squadron by holding an area-wide championship. Five stores participated across the greater Phoenix area, with ten divisions of four players each formed based on the store/location preference of the player. Each player submitted two squad lists (100 points each) by September 20th. From then until October 19th, players participated in round robin competition within their divisions, with simultaneous reveals before each game of which list they had chosen for that particular match. The winner of each division then advanced to a top sixteen Phoenix Squadron Championship tournament, along with the six highest scoring players from across all divisions as "wild cards". The rest of the players participated in a Redemption Tournament on the same date and at the same store as the main event. Prizes for Redemption were from a Winter Tournament Kit. Prizes for the top sixteen event included custom acrylic maneuver templates, a commemorative Phoenix Squadron tee shirt, Phoenix Squadron play mats, range ruler sets, patches with our logo, and everyone got an acrylic Phoenix Squadron token (to use for Swarm Tactics, Marksmanship, etc.). For both the Redemption and Top Sixteen Tournaments, players had to choose their best of the original two lists to compete with.

2014 Phoenix Squadron Championship

Location: Mesa, Arizona (Empire Games)

Date: October 25, 2014

Attendance: 16 (after qualifiers - see above)

3 rounds of swiss and cut to top four, 65 minute rounds

Expansions: everything through Wave 4

Winner [defeated Trenden in top four] : Iain Hamp (Howlrunner + Predator, Backstabber, 2x Obsidian, 3x Academy)

2nd [defeated James in top four] : Dallin Pear (Biggs, Outer Rim Smuggler, Gold Squadron + Ion Cannon Turret, 2x Bandit)

Top Four : James Tomassoni (Biggs + Shield + R2-D2, Jan Ors + VI + Ion Cannon Turret + Nien Numb, Wedge + Predator + Flechette Torpedoes)

Top Four : Trenden Flanigan (Lt Blount + Assault Missiles, Blue Squadron + HLC, Chewbacca + Predator + MF Title + C-3PO)

5th : Zack McPheron (Ten Numb + FCS + HLC + VI, Etahn A'Baht + FCS, 2x Bandit)

6th : Tyler Higginbotham (Biggs, Airen Cracken + Swarm Tactics, Garven, Dutch + Ion Cannon Turret)

7th : Michael Evans (Whisper + FCS + ACD + VI + Intelligence Agent, Howlrunner + Hull, 3x Academy)

8th : Adam Johnson (3x Blue Squadron + Adv Sensors, 2x Bandit)

9th : Dan Agle (Ibtisam + HLC + PTL, 2x Blue + HLC + FCS)

10h : Clayton Duce (Han Solo + Marksmanship + Gunner, 2x Red Squadron)

11th : Jesse Jirousek (Biggs, Lt Blount + Assault Missiles, Tarn Mison + R7, Dutch + Ion Cannon Turret)

12th : Marcus Peart (Han Solo + Marksmanship + Gunner, 2x Rebel Operative + Blaster Turret + Recon Specialist)

13th : Don Childers (Echo + VI + Gunner + ACD + FCS, Howlrunner + Predator, 3x Academy)

14th : John Higginbotham Jr (Kyle Katarn + Moldy Crow + Blaster Turret + Recon Specialist, Dutch + Blaster Turret, 2x Green Squadron + Expert Handling)

15th : Derek Page (3x Scimitar Squadron + Assault Missiles + Cluster Missiles + Munitions Failsafe, Scimitar + Assault Missiles + Munitions Failsafe)

16th : John McLennan (Echo + FCS + VI + ACD, 3x Omicron)

Edited by ManOnAWire

Hmmm was thinking of writing up the TC Open results for the thread but then decided you might have already done so and didn't want to duplicate the work if so...

Hmmm was thinking of writing up the TC Open results for the thread but then decided you might have already done so and didn't want to duplicate the work if so...

Nope, don't let me stop you, I would be more than happy to copy / paste / steal your writeups! :D

Well this may be the first reasonable size tournament with Wave 5 legal and believe it or not, it's in Australia!

Warzone X-Wing Singles

Location: Sydney, Australia
Event Date: Sat 06 Dec 14

Venue: Good Games Town Hall

Legal Waves: 1-5 (No Debris Clouds)

Format: 60 min rounds (+15 min setup) 6 rounds of Swiss. No championship cut.

Atendance: 35

Sanctioned video coverage of the final:



  • Winner: Morgan Reid, 6-0
    Admiral Chiraneau, Expose, Isard, Reb Cap, Experimental Interface
    Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD
  • 2nd: Luke Sunol, 5-1 (lost to 5th place)
    Kenkirk, PTL, Gunner, Isard, Vader
    Whisper, VI, Navigator, ACD
  • 3rd: Travis Foss, 5-1 (lost to 1st place)
    Ten Numb, VI, Adv Sen, Autoblaster
    5 x Bandits
  • 4th: Rob Sakaluk, 4-2 (lost to 3rd and other)
    Chewie, Lone Wolf, Gunner, C3P0, Title
    Gold Sqn, Ion, R3-A2
    Blue Sqn
  • 5th: Iain Third, 4-2 (lost to 1st and 3rd place)
    Whisper, VI, FCS, Recce Spec, ACD
    Soontir, PTL, Stealth
    Academy Pilot
    Academy Pilot
  • 6th: Casey Millwood, 4-2 (lost to 1st place and other)
    Dash Rendar, PTL, Kyle, HLC, Engine, Outrider
    Eaden Vrill, HLC, Recce Spec
  • 7th: Grant O'Dwyer, 4-2 (lost to 1st and 2nd place)
    Chewie, Predator, C3P0, Title
    Leebo, Lone Wold, Recce Spec, HLC, Outrider
  • 8th: Daniel Robinson, 4-2
    Oicunn, Ruthlessness, Gunner, Isard, Mara Jade, Dauntless
    Echo, VI, Adv Sen, Recce Spec, ACD
  • 9th: TBC
  • 10th: TBC
  • 11th: Michael Garrett
    Whisper, VI, FCS, ACD
    Soontir, PTL, Shield, Stealth, Title
    OGP, Vader
  • 12th: Chee Hoe Wong
    Kenkirk, Predator, Gunner, Isard
    Whisper, VI, FCS, Gunner, ACD
  • 13th: TBC
  • 14th: TBC
  • 15th: James Horne, 3-3 (lost to 1st, 6th and other)
    Wedge, Opportunist, R2 Astro
    Wes Janson, VI
    Farlander, PTL, Engine
  • 16th: TBC
Edited by MorganR

We'll be having a Wave 5 legal tournament in Queensland on the weekend, as well, but we're only looking at around 20 players. Don't know if you'd still be interested in that, Juggler?

If you want to add the TCO info to this post and are missing anything, just drop me an email and let me know.

Here's the TCOpen info in MJ format (going to add top 16 lists when I get a minute):

More info about standings here, unfortunately can't access it at work to include it below. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/166979/TCO_rankings.html

TC Open
Venue Name: Vassal (Organized through Team Covenant)
Attendance: 90
5 rounds, unlimited time, cut to top 32
Expansions: through Wave 5
Winner: Texx - "Whisper" + Veteran Instincts + Gunner + Fire Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device; Commander Kenkirk + Gunner + Predator + Ysanne Isard;
2nd: Sideslip - Corran Horn + R2-D2 + Push The Limit + Fire Control System + Hull Upgrade; Dash Rendar + Heavy Laser Cannon + Recon Specialist + Lone Wolf + Outrider;
Top 4 (Lost to 1st): Theorist - Wild Space Fringer + Gunner + Heavy Laser Cannon; Dash Rendar + Engine Upgrade + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push The Limit + Kyle Katarn + Outrider;
Top 4 (Lost to 2nd): PHeaver - Obsidian Squadron Pilot x2; Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader; Captain Oicunn + Gunner + Predator;
Top 8 (Lost to Texx): Kleintz - Dash Rendar + Engine Upgrade + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push The Limit + Kyle Katarn + Outrider; Eaden Vrill + Heavy Laser Cannon + "Leebo" + Tactical Jammer;
Top 8 (Lost to Sideslip): Grant - Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Gunner + Predator; "Leebo" + Heavy Laser Cannon + Predator + Outrider;
Top 8 (Lost to Theorist): RookieFive - Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Gunner; Lando Calrissian + Gunner + C-3PO;
Top 8 (Lost to PHeaver): Garyash - Omicron Group Pilot + Darth Vader; "Whisper" + Veteran Instincts + Advanced Cloaking Device; "Echo" + Veteran Instincts + Rebel Captive + Advanced Cloaking Device;
Top 16 (Lost to Texx): Captain Typo - Jan Ors + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Recon Specialist + Blaster Turret + Moldy Crow; Han Solo + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + Push The Limit + C-3PO + Kyle Katarn;
Top 16 (Lost to Sideslip): bmf0 - Tala Squadron Pilot x3; Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + Gunner + C-3PO;
Top 16 (Lost to Theorist): fuamatu - Han Solo + Veteran Instincts + Millennium Falcon + C-3PO + Lando Calrissian + Experimental Interface; Wild Space Fringer + Heavy Laser Cannon + Outrider + Tactical Jammer;
Top 16 (Lost to PHeaver): mishari26 - Obsidian Squadron Pilot x4; "Howlrunner"; Soontir Fel + Push The Limit;

Top 16 (Lost to Kleintz): mu0n - Obsidian Squadron Pilot x2; "Dutch" Vander; Omicron Group Pilot + Fire Control System; Black Squadron Pilot + Wingman; Black Squadron Pilot + Ruthlessness;

Top 16 (Lost to Grant): Ringo - Bandit Squadron Pilot; Han Solo + Nien Nunb + Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + Push The Limit + C-3PO; Prototype Pilot + Chardaan Refit x2;

Top 16 (Lost to RookieFive): osoroshii - Dash Rendar + Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Outrider; Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Gunner + C-3PO;

Top 16 (Lost to Garyash): doobleg - Captain Oicunn + Swarm Tactics + Mara Jade + Dauntless; Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Swarm Tactics + Gunner;

Edited by stmack

35 player Wave 5 tournament updated on the first page. Still waiting on some squads to come through but the top 7 + others are in there.

Sanctioned filmed the final (and others I think) and I'll update the post to include the link once they have released the video.

Thanks all for the updates, I'll see about getting these compiled this week.

We'll be having a Wave 5 legal tournament in Queensland on the weekend, as well, but we're only looking at around 20 players. Don't know if you'd still be interested in that, Juggler?

Sure - if you have the info then post it here.

35 player Wave 5 tournament updated on the first page. Still waiting on some squads to come through but the top 7 + others are in there.

Sanctioned filmed the final (and others I think) and I'll update the post to include the link once they have released the video.

Congratulations on the win! I'll give you a few more days, or a week, to get as many squads as you can, and then I'll pull them all into the first post. Just bump the thread or message me when you think you have all the squads that you'll get.

We'll be having a Wave 5 legal tournament in Queensland on the weekend, as well, but we're only looking at around 20 players. Don't know if you'd still be interested in that, Juggler?

Sure - if you have the info then post it here.

We actually only ended up with 14 players. 20 might have been just okay, but I wouldn't really qualify 14 as a "large" event.