
By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Nothing new about the Kel ability? The ability work with attack or not? Someone find something more official? lengua.gif (Kel is one of the 4 new promotional character).

Looking for this thread ?

Ok thanks! But what I have to understand from this? That Kel ability came from an amateur translation? But where is the original? lengua.gif

Check Reply #7 in that thread. I think that card is the orginal text in Spanish. I also think later on Thundercles (who I have come to find out speaks fluent Spanish) provided some translation help.

Ok thanks... But why the official card do not come from FFG? preocupado.gif

Kel, like Tobin and Jonas and promotional items released by Edge, the company that translates Descent into French and Spanish. They came when you pre-ordered or bought the translation of Road to Legend.

The text itself doesn't specify if she can ignore obstacles and other figures for the purpose of attacking or spawning. As the text is, it seems to apply to everything.