Upload custom tokens

By bageldrone, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

did a search for this but mite not be first to suggest this

It would be nice to be able to upload custom tokens that could be cut out by the players for the missions

eg i wanted to uplad a custom space station template so that people could still play the mission even if they dont have every single expansion


I honestly wouldn't expect this. Unless FFG is going to allocate someone to reviewing the uploads, the potential for someone to stick offensive images in will typically scare off companies from allowing this sort of thing.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not commenting on the wisdom or correctness of that policy in any way, I certainly don't need a horde of drooling teenagers flinging unoriginal single entendres my direction for it. I'm merely pointing out that companies often shy away from allowing user content in these sorts of things for that reason.

I guess you could just paste a URL in the mission text for a token anyway. didn't think of that