Requisition & Influence Loss

By GauntZero, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hey Guys,

When you roll more DoF than you have FelB at a requisition attempt, you lose influence.

Could you tell, how much you lose exactly ?

Is it:

a.) the total DoF

b.) the total DoF minus the FelB


As the RAW sounds, it would be total DOF, which is a lot...

On which page are you finding this?

It was somewhere in the "how you can lose influence" section of the rulebook, Influence chapter.

Ok thanks, found it on page 269:

When an Acolyte fails an Influence test by more degrees of failure than his Fellowship bonus, his Influence decreases by the difference between the two.

Perfect - somehow I oversaw the "difference" part. Thanks a lot !

That would then show the big benefit of Contact Network where failure would not affect or cause Influence loss.

~ alemander

Just had a case where a Character with Fel 40 wanted to acquire something with Availability -10. Rolled a 00 on the test :) would have lost 4 Influence just for this standard item. Luckily the character had Contact Network ...

I have a player who is insisting that Requisition should not be affected by any of the categories under Losing Influence. He claims that none of the examples listed under each of the categories refer to the Requisition use of Influence.

I just assumed that Failure was taking into account the Requisition use of Influence. It doesn't specifically say anywhere that one can lose Influence based on a failed Requisition. It also doesn't say that one can't lose Influence for Requisition failure.

It always seemed reasonable to lose Influence when trying gain an item and doing it "poorly" or what have you.

Anyone have any thoughts as I am not sure how to respond to my player other than use the GM discretion line.

~ alemander

When an Acolyte fails an Influence test by more degrees of failure than his Fellowship bonus, his Influence decreases by the difference between the two.

Check page 269 for this, but I believe it's what you're looking for.

It always seemed reasonable to lose Influence when trying gain an item and doing it "poorly" or what have you.

It is.
What is requesition try fail? It's "you came to somebody who have your item asking/buying/demanding item and he ignores it". Such happenings are bad for your reputation - and for resourses that you invested to have an option to demand an item.