Skills and Powers: Frequency of use?

By GAThraawn, in Game Mechanics

How frequently can players use a given skill of Force Power in a situation? In combat, it's fairly straightforward as actions are rationed, and taking multiple turns to accomplish something is a relevant drawback. But outside of combat, all that matters are larger time constraints that may or may not be in place. Other systems have mechanics such as "Take 10" for this instances, where if you are unhurried and there is no penalty for failure, you can simply assume to have rolled average for determining if you succeed (meaning you can take 10 on simple checks you're not reasonably going to fail), or "taking 20" on checks you can literally try over and over until you succeed, at 20 times the length of time. There are also rules to govern which situations are appropriate for taking 20 and which are not.

Since FaD seems to be lacking these rules, situations come up that I'm unsure how to mediate. If a player with the Heal power wishes to make multiple checks to heal the same character, how long does that take? Is each check one round, AKA one minute, and the target is healed back to full health in 5 minutes? Heal restricts itself to 5 uses per target per day, like stimpacks, but that still allows a Jedi to take a character from near death to full health in no time.

If there is no set limit on the number of times a Force Power may be used, suppose a Jedi wishes to lift their Silhouette fighter out of a swamp using Move from Medium range, which with the relevant upgrades requires 6 Force pips spent. Assuming she has a Force rating of 3 and is thus capable of it, can she simply make 1 check a minute until she succeeds?

While nothing is noted about them specifically, certain skills like Charm seem fairly logically limited to once per encounter (at least, to accomplish the same goal, without significant changes having occurred), and Medicine checks are explicitly noted to only be once per encounter on a character, but while similar restrictions on Force powers seem unreasonable, is the gulf between what a Jedi can accomplish and how frequently they do accomplish it so small?

As I noted above, this conversation isn't relevant to combat encounters, but rather to situations such as a Jedi healer walking into a hospital and healing an entire ward in half an hour, or always being able to levitate the largest possible object they are capable of with merely a few minutes meditation beforehand.

You just hand wave a lot of it. Skill rolls are where the pressure is on and time is limited. If someone has the basic raw ability to use Move and lift the X Wing from the swamp and it's not a time restricted combat thing I'd probably just let them. If it's a major plot point you could not allow it and just say it's beyond them at this time. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, it's more or less what works.

Heal has the limitation you mention and it is limited by the number of times it can be used, it's a Force stimpack, and dips into the same limited number of uses per 24 hours, so that's limiting enough I think. It's really no better than having 5 stimpacks so it's a nice way to save resources but not much more.

There isn't a need to have a dice roll for everything. Strain is a perfect example, you can recoup it fairly easily with simple rolls when bouncing between combat encounters. If there is a any real break in the encounters you simply just get it all back, no rolls needed.

Personally, I feel the only time the dice should be picked up is if there's a case of something interesting that's going to happen.

In the case of using a Force power when not under any pressure, I'd just assume the character generated one usable Force Point per point of Force Rating. So for your example of the Move power and a FR 3 character, if there's no real pressure involved, I'd say they generated 3 Force Points and could spend those as they see fit.

For Luke on Dagobah, it was probably a case of him simply not having purchased enough Strength Upgrades (since those can't be triggered multiple times), so it didn't matter how often he tried, he wasn't going to be able to lift that X-Wing. Yoda on the other hand probably had purchased the requisite Strength Upgrades, and with a Force Rating of at least 4 it'd be a trivial matter for him to float the X-Wing out of the swamp since he's not under any pressure and it'd be well within his capabilities.

As far as the rules go, at most this might be something to address in a sidebar about Force users constantly "retrying" a failed usage of a Force power, particularly in non-combat situations. In combat however, it'd be a case of the PCs being able to feel the Force but not yet able to properly control it, much as how Luke was when he rushed off to confront Vader in ESB. Of course, Luke probably was using both Sense's Ongoing Effects to overcome Vader's ranks in Adversary and give himself some defense against the Sith Lord's attacks.