1. The Squad builder should be right on the front page and not buried as part of a mission creation.
2. There needs to be an UNDO function. If you make a mistake and delete something, you may have to take several steps to put it back.
1. The Squad builder should be right on the front page and not buried as part of a mission creation.
2. There needs to be an UNDO function. If you make a mistake and delete something, you may have to take several steps to put it back.
1. The Squad builder should be right on the front page and not buried as part of a mission creation.
There is no squad builder yet. Just the collection section and that's for making sure that you have everything the mission requires.
This is not x-wing Command (the upcoming squad builder)
Can you all point me to where they have announced a separate Squad builder called "Command?" I must have missed that.
The squad builder tool is indeed in there, if you click on a ship to assign a pilot to it, but it's not really functional as a true squad builder.
Can you all point me to where they have announced a separate Squad builder called "Command?" I must have missed that.
When they announced the whole thing... They announced "X-Wing Commander" not Mission Control. It was also supposed to have a squad builder and such.
Mission Control doesn't really have a squad builder, you can put your collection in, but I at least son't see anything for building lists... You can put ships on the map, and assign pilots to them, but those are supposed to be for the mission, not a list.
There really wasn't much said from what I know, just a slide at the in flight report i think.
Edited by VanorDM
Can you all point me to where they have announced a separate Squad builder called "Command?" I must have missed that.
When they announced the whole thing... They announced "X-Wing Commander" not Mission Control. It was also supposed to have a squad builder and such.
Mission Control doesn't really have a squad builder, you can put your collection in, but I at least son't see anything for building lists... You can put ships on the map, and assign pilots to them, but those are supposed to be for the mission, not a list.
There really wasn't much said from what I know, just a slide at the in flight report i think.
That's what I'm saying. I think you guys are reading into the way he phrased it, but I think this is what we are getting. Like I said, there's effectively a pilot selector tool for each ship on the map, which could easily be a squad builder, but it's not functioning like that currently. They need to change that.
Here's the slide from GenCon.
What you currently have is not the same thing they called it at GenCon. Also it says you can build, customize and save squads. Something you can't do in Mission Control.
This is clearly not a squad builder, it's for creating missions, you have to be able to assign pilots and such to ships in order to create missions.
This is what I see on the slide:
* Online toolkit
* Design and share your own scenarios(?) and campaigns (Standard and Epic play)
* Track your X-wing Collection
* Build, customize, and save squads
Sorry, but "Mission Control" is exactly what he presented at GenCon:
Sorry, but "Mission Control" is exactly what he presented at GenCon:
There is nothing in Mission Control that really lets you save a squad, other then having that squad be part of a mission.
If however you can export a squad and show us, the squad and nothing but the squad... Then you would be right.
So no it's not the same thing. Unless that is what FFG thinks a squad builder should look like... In which case, FFG has absolutely no clue at all what a squad builder should look like.
Edited by VanorDMMy whole point is that there isn't a functional squad builder accessible in the current setup. And that an official squad builder would be the number one most desired and used tool.
As a side note, I was only arguing with you the point that you think another tool is forthcoming, whereas I'm arguing that this is it. This is what we are getting from FFG. So if, like me, you want a real squad builder and collection manager that isn't wedded to a mission creator, then this is the time to give that feedback. Don't wait for another product that has no evidence of being forthcoming.
My whole point is that there isn't a functional squad builder accessible in the current setup.
I agree there isn't. But I don't think that part is done yet. So they put out the mission builder part and having people play with it while they work on the builder part.
The slide did say Build, Customize and Save squads, that's why I'm assuming this isn't a finished product yet.
The slide did say Build, Customize and Save squads, that's why I'm assuming this isn't a finished product yet.
You can actually build, customize, and save squads in the current implementation. They're even listed in the missions as "Rebel Alliance Squad" and "Galactic Empire Squad".
I think this may be a case of mismatched requirements. A lot of players have a specific thing in mind when they hear "squad builder" and so they assumed that's what was going to be there. And maybe it will be. Or... maybe not.
I think this may be a case of mismatched requirements.
I did consider that. Technically you can build, customize and save squads as part of a mission. So if what we see is what we get... Well then it would be worth the price. But it's not at all what most of us were expecting.
So we come full circle to what I posted in the first place.
So we come full circle to what I posted in the first place.
You may be asking for a completely different product. It's entirely likely that this isn't intended to be a "squad builder" in the sense most of us define it. Nor does it need to be, honestly.
We'll see what happens with it, but looking at what they said, and what we've got, I think that "Build, customize, and save" squads is exactly what we can do in the current system.
So we come full circle to what I posted in the first place.
You may be asking for a completely different product. It's entirely likely that this isn't intended to be a "squad builder" in the sense most of us define it. Nor does it need to be, honestly.
We'll see what happens with it, but looking at what they said, and what we've got, I think that "Build, customize, and save" squads is exactly what we can do in the current system.
How can I put this in language everyone can understand...."these aren't the droids we're looking for."
I actually thing the idea of a mission creator is really cool, and as you (and I) pointed out, there is a squad builder of sorts imbedded in it, but I truly think that this is not what most X-wingers will be looking for, and certainly not what most people will expect when they hear that FFG has a "squad builder." Just look at the other responses in this thread.
They asked for feedback, and I'm giving it. They have the raw materials of some really cool tools already, but they aren't quite firing on all cylinders yet. I don't just mean technically, but conceptually as well. If they choose to ignore this and go with the current conception, I think they are missing an opportunity to make their own website the premiere online destination for their own product, which I have to think is part of the reason they are creating this free service.
I think they are missing an opportunity to make their own website the premiere online destination for their own product, which I have to think is part of the reason they are creating this free service.
Maybe... but FFG has never taken the opportunity to provide these sorts of tools in the past. The closest they've come is buying CardGameDB, which remains visually and operationally distinct - there's not really even anything there on the page to indicate that it's affiliated with FFG.
They're obviously starting to do more in the digital realm. We can quibble all day over whether FFG is providing what you or I want with these tools... but the one thing I think is worth considering is that the tools they are providing are unique . There are what, half a dozen squad builders out there now? Why should FFG spend money (a very nontrivial amount of money, I might add) developing another one?
The mission builder is unique. It also directly addresses one of the few weaknesses that X-wing has, and one of the few things people point to Attack Wing being better at: scenarios. They put up the tool, crowdsource scenario development, and there you go. It's actually kinda brilliant.
I actually do understand that they've made a product that's not what you want, and you're perfectly welcome to say so. But it seems to me they've made exactly the product they intended to make, and IMHO it's a far more useful tool than just another web-based squad builder.
I'm no web designer or programmer, but from the end user viewpoint, it looks like everything is already there to have to have a great squad builder as well. It just needs to be organized differently with a separate link on the home page with the squad building feature in its own module.
I like missions, and this is a really great tool once its polished up a bit, but I see no reason not to harness the full functionality of what they are creating and make it a true all-in-one support site for their game.
I see no reason to limit comparisons to previous efforts or parallel efforts in different game types (Card Game DB). X-wing is the biggest game they have, and it makes sense that they will be giving it the best support possible. Yes, it costs money, but they are making a ton of money on this game, and they must see value in investing into this support site as far as a promotional tool.
I agree also that it's more useful that another squad builder, but only if they make it appeal to the broadest cross section of the X-wing player base. Many people clamor for more missions, and this will help address that need, but I suspect more people don't care about missions. But what BOTH groups have in common is the need to build squads, whether for a standard dogfight or for custom scenarios.They need to make that feature more accessible up front.
I'm with magadizer on this one. After the GenCon announcement, I was looking forward to a squad builder where I could input my collection and see what cards are in my "owned" pool as I'm building and saving my squads.
This is great, Not what I was expecting.
I use void state and its amaze balls.
so right now I'm not bothered that this is something extra/better!!