Show items in collection only

By le12ro, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

Hello guys!

Great job on the tool, it's highly appreciated. I do understand that it's still fairly new and that people are still working on it. I have though, one small request:

Would it be possible to filter the availability of the different cards as according to the owned collection? E.g. I do not want to see cards/updates/etc that I do not own, or already have used within the scenario.

That would make things much easier.



This is something that would be useful for me. However, from the company's perspective, I can see why it isn't included. If you see all these cards you don't own, the hope is that it will make you want to buy them.

But I would still like a filter option eventually anyway.

Right now, you can only edit your collection while you are editing one of your own missions. Being able to access your collection right away would be useful... as would being able to filter the available missions that people have created against your collection.

Right now, you can only edit your collection while you are editing one of your own missions. Being able to access your collection right away would be useful... as would being able to filter the available missions that people have created against your collection.

I agree, being able to see if you have the needed ships to run a scenario would be great, and being able to filter the scenario with the ships you have would be awesome. That would save a lot of time going through scenarios to find one that fits your collection. It would also be cool if there was a dual log in so you and your buddy could both have your collections queued to see what was available to you.