One-Fist's ability says - "Once per turn, you may take 1 Stamina to re-roll a combat roll."
How is this used in the case when you have to activate something before making a combat roll? For example, the White Blade weapon says - "Before Combat: Activate to make a melee attack. If your hero succeeds, inflict 3 damage." Does One-Fist's ability work with this weapon - can he re-roll if he misses? I read the weapon as you must activate it to make an attack. If One-Fist tries to re-roll, the weapon cannot be re-activated.
What about the Sword of Fire which reads - "Melee: activate and take 1 damage before making a melee attack. If you succeed, you inflict 3 damage". If I re-roll, do I have to take another 1 damage? Can I even re-roll in this case?