Feats after Hero Death

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

What happens to a Feat card effect like "Protect thyself" (+2 armor for himself and other heros within three spaces until the playing hero´s next turn. Card is to be left face-up in front of the player until then) if the hero who played that card dies?

Is the effect still active and independent from the life of the playing hero?

I'd say that technically it is still in effect, but since the hero moves to a different location when killed, the effect would move with them.

Rajamic said:

I'd say that technically it is still in effect, but since the hero moves to a different location when killed, the effect would move with them.

I'm pretty sure the card says that you and all heroes within 3 spaces of you have +2 armor until end of turn. There's nothing in there about them remaining within 3 spaces or you staying alive. I would say that if that hero was within 3 spaces of you when the card was played, that even if he is knocked-back to be further than 3 spaces away or if it's Tahlia who's yet to use her guard order, that the armor would stay with them until the turn is over.