Antigoth said:
I find it funny that all this Drama is being posted on Saturday, when FFG isn't even in the office or able to look at this until Monday.
I mean guys... *REALLY* ?
That would require that FFG acknowledges the forums, which they only do on a very limited basis (I don't want to say they don't because we both know they do). This was more of a : "You know what, screw you guys who actually HAVE promos and are whining about scout packs, we've got a bigger problem and once again, nothing's being done other than band-aid fixes that never really solve the problem at it's base - the lack of proper distribution in Canada."
Honestly come Monday I'm e-mailing the hell out of anyone I can get a hold of at FFG. It took us a **** while to get anything fixed when Paul Bromen was there, he leaves and it all goes to crap, again. I'm just personally tired of having to fight for prize support when south of the border they seem to be miraculeously showered in it.