June Prize Support

By JDub, in UFS General Discussion

I got my June prize support but it was missing it's Scout prize pack. Any other scouts not get their cards? And if I'm the only one who do I contact about it?

What IS the June support, anyway?

Cursed Blood foil and Mark of the Beast foil.

I did not get my scout reward too. We'll need to contact Esther.

Same here no scout pack.

No scout rewards here either...

Maybe there will be none for any scouts :P

Sounds like they forgot that blows but everyone contact Eric remember Esther left the company.

Where do I find the Email of the person i need to contact about this?

Sol Badguy said:

Where do I find the Email of the person i need to contact about this?

[email protected]


[email protected]

those are your contacts for OP issues.

just to add dittos to lacking in prize support.

I too did not receive it. Which is ok. I mean Origins = UFS nats in my backyard is prize enough for me! !!!

I also did not receive a scout pack.

We've been shuffling around staff and the new prize support person didn't know to add scout packs to the prize thing. We'll make it up to everybody next month.

got this message from James Hata yesterday.

What *I* wanna know is when Power of the Edge is coming in the league kits.

This is a perfect example of alternate art being a great idea for promos.

MegaGeese said:

What *I* wanna know is when Power of the Edge is coming in the league kits.

This is a perfect example of alternate art being a great idea for promos.

Power of the Edge?

What I want to know is when Montreal is supposed to get May prize support.

Because right now, the answer seems to be between "in an eternity" and "never".

MegaGeese said:

What *I* wanna know is when Power of the Edge is coming in the league kits.

This is a perfect example of alternate art being a great idea for promos.

O_O really? PotE?

Yep, the other two reprints are PoTE and Close Throw.

Great, more reprints our group won't have access to.

Cetonis said:

Yep, the other two reprints are PoTE and Close Throw.


As a devote void player I must say i am very happy....

Homme Chapeau said:

What I want to know is when Montreal is supposed to get May prize support.

Because right now, the answer seems to be between "in an eternity" and "never".

Tought he didn't quite say it, Mr Lind's lack of reply to our promo problem ( and what the hell we should do to get a regionals kit ) pretty much translates to '' Go f*ck yourself ''

Target X said:

Homme Chapeau said:

What I want to know is when Montreal is supposed to get May prize support.

Because right now, the answer seems to be between "in an eternity" and "never".

Tought he didn't quite say it, Mr Lind's lack of reply to our promo problem ( and what the hell we should do to get a regionals kit ) pretty much translates to '' Go f*ck yourself ''

INTERESTING. I personally believe that it is an answer we will give him right back around.

Cetonis said:

Yep, the other two reprints are PoTE and Close Throw.

In addition MAC will be legal as well hopefully all 3 will be in July prize support...

Homme Chapeau said:

Target X said:

Homme Chapeau said:

What I want to know is when Montreal is supposed to get May prize support.

Because right now, the answer seems to be between "in an eternity" and "never".

Tought he didn't quite say it, Mr Lind's lack of reply to our promo problem ( and what the hell we should do to get a regionals kit ) pretty much translates to '' Go f*ck yourself ''

INTERESTING. I personally believe that it is an answer we will give him right back around.

Duh Hatman... FFG doesn't care about Canadian playgroups unless you work for them. DUH!

B-Rad said:

Duh Hatman... FFG doesn't care about Canadian playgroups unless you work for them. DUH!

Well, considering the only Canadian employee of FFG lives in Toronto, you guys must be all set!

For what it's worth, in Winnipeg we have all the same problems you guys have. In fact, we haven't recevied our June Prize support yet, so you guys are all (except Montreal), a step ahead of us.

The difference is as a scout I'm persistant. I choose to learn who is in charge of what. I politely contact them, and then I work my way up the food chain when I don't get responses / results.

What we're currently experiencing with FFG is the same problems we experienced with STG. With STG I made a point of getting extra support off them when I attended events so I had a back stock of support when prizes didn't show up on time. (which was frequent and normal).

I've had similar challenges that we're experiecing with FFG with White Wolf, Thunder Castle Games, and Comic Images.

This is a normal situation that happens.

The best thing is to not over react. When you don't hear back from someone after a few days. Email them again.

When you still haven't gotten a response, go to the next person up the chain. In this situation, it's James Hata. His address is listed on the OP site for the scouts who need it.

If you don't hear back from Hata, move on up the food chain.

I find it funny that all this Drama is being posted on Saturday, when FFG isn't even in the office or able to look at this until Monday.

I mean guys... *REALLY* ?