Bug: When I post I go Back to the Start

By Gallagen, in Support

No doubt this has happened to other people too but every time i post i get sent back to the main forum board with the game categories.

It is starting to really annoy me.

Please FFG is this a Bug that is going to be fixed soon?

I agree, it happens to me everytime too, makes me almost not want to post anything anymore.

I still do of course, just takes longer to get back to where I was

I made a post about this at http://new.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=8&efcid=2&efidt=3821 and haven't seen any responses yet. I noticed today that when a Create a Thread, it goes to that thread (rather than waaay back to the beginning), however when I Respond to a thread, it still goes waaaay back to the beginning.

FFG, please give us the option to either go back to the thread or back to the Forum, not waaay back to the categories. It *is* very annoying.
