Swift Attack, Two-weapon wielder

By Kinai, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions


I searched the forum but I didn't find anything. So...

One of my players has swift attack and, he wants to get two-weapon wielder, so... Will he have four attacks? Will he have six attacks if he gets lighting attack?

Anyone can help me? What did you do in your sessions?



Errata 3.0 page 11-12:

If you have Swift Attack and Two Weapon Wielder (Melee),
you get the second attack only with one melee weapon,
so you will get two attacks with one weapon and a single attack
with the other.


If you have Lightning Attack and Two Weapon Wielder (Melee),
you get the second and third attacks only with one melee weapon,
so you will get three attacks with one weapon and a single attack
with the other.

And from page 11:

If you have the Ambidextrous talent and Two Weapon Wielder, the
penalty for each attack is only –10.

So if he uses all attacks from either Swift Attack of Lightning Attack, and attacks with his second weapon as well, he will receive a -10 penalty to all three/four attacks.

Thanks. You have answered all my doubts. Really I didn't check the Errata, because I didn't think that the answer could be there. sonrojado.gif

Thanks again.
