What can you do with the mercenary license? It came with the guardsman class.
Mercenary License
To my mind, wave it in the face of the Magistratum Enforcer who is hassling you about wearing full flak armor and carrying a lasgun while walking through the food-concourse and say "It's ok. I'm a licensed mercenary." What happens next, of course, depends on the enforcer (or IRL on how the GM feels at the moment).
LuciusT said:
To my mind, wave it in the face of the Magistratum Enforcer who is hassling you about wearing full flak armor and carrying a lasgun while walking through the food-concourse and say "It's ok. I'm a licensed mercenary." What happens next, of course, depends on the enforcer (or IRL on how the GM feels at the moment).
Yup pretty much. Exactly what permits and rights a mercenary has may wary wildly from world to world, but essentially it allows possession of militairy weapons and right to apply for mercenary work.
An Imperial guardsman would have his uniform and probably some papers proving he's enlisted, but may not be allowed to wear weapons off duty in a Hive anyway.
Penal Legionaries is permitted to carry what weapons their officers allows them, and probably would not be wandering around alone in a city anwyay, although I can see how such a man is sweating while stuck in scintillan traffic trying to get to his barracks before his head explodes
Friend of the Dork said:
An Imperial guardsman would have his uniform and probably some papers proving he's enlisted, but may not be allowed to wear weapons off duty in a Hive anyway.
Thats similar to what I was going to suggest. The license could also be used to prevent him/her being press-ganged into an Imperial Guard regiment or the Imperial Navy. In the C18th-19th sailors often carried around certificates of identification to prevent them being press-ganged this way.
craigpearson81 said:
Friend of the Dork said:
An Imperial guardsman would have his uniform and probably some papers proving he's enlisted, but may not be allowed to wear weapons off duty in a Hive anyway.
Thats similar to what I was going to suggest. The license could also be used to prevent him/her being press-ganged into an Imperial Guard regiment or the Imperial Navy. In the C18th-19th sailors often carried around certificates of identification to prevent them being press-ganged this way.
[Non-constructive post]
Aye Matey
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