This is a little thread I like to toss up every once and a while to get some discussion going. I personally feel that we've settled into the new format very quickly, and as such I would like to see your own individual thoughts on the best cards in the format.
Being a forum as such, there's no limit to your opinion. You don't even have to give reasons or confine yourself to a strict 1 of list. To keep things brief, I am going to toss out a best. I might go into "Runner Ups" in a different post
Best foundation: Red Lotus of the Sun. It shuts so many things down, including things it shouldn't. How utterly b0rk (bork bork'd) this card is is similar to how stupid The Curse Broken was back in the previous format, its power is over shadowed by the more obvious cards, and gets a pass because it's almost a necessary evil (much like TCB was)
Best Asset: Seal of Cessation. This is a no brainer really. The sign of a good player is the player who knows how to bait opposing Seals and use his own. A one time "No" button to essentially anything is absolutely silly, and being able to have more than one on the field at the same time can create for some absolute head aches.
Best Action: Tag Along. Rejection is annoying, but properly Tagging a character can be back breaking. The recursion is just icing on the cake.
Best Attack: Gonna have to give it to Feline Spike. The one check is disgusting and the seven difficulty makes it susceptible to BRT/Forethought/Anti K shenanigans, but 24 damage in symbols that don't have any real trouble producing two momentum is efficient to the point of insanity. Then you tack on the block, the reversal, the stun, and the fact that Ichi No Tachi/Mark of the Beast/Make a Difference can't touch it, and you have one of the most reliable kill methods in the game. There's been a slew of hate for it lately, and Bitter Rivals has seen a rise in popularity now that it can hit almost every single relevant attack in the game, but Feline Spike is often able to power through it.
Best Character: Promo Zi Mei. Arguably the best symbol spread in the game. 7 Handsize, super commital abilities and extra damage tacked onto that. The fact that she hasn't won events yet is curious to me. She tops often but she doesn't seem to make it all the time.