
By Custodes, in Rogue Trader



Good work keep on!! gran_risa.gif


I have read in an older Wihte Dwarf and the first Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader,

that the bigest Ships owend by Rogue Traders are the 1.5Km long Cobra Class Destroyers!!

Any luck, for Me to get the any Ships Anatomie, Floorplans and(ore) Data (like how many crew members, ect..?),

off an Cobra Class Destroyer in the new Rogue Trader book??


They use up to at least Heavy Cruisers (equivalents) in some of the novels, although both Battle Cruisers and Battleships are bigger than this.

Check out the specialist games section of the Games Workshop online catalogue: they have a BFG scale Rogue Trader cruiser for sale. It's about the same size as a Lunar Class cruiser.

I guess that the size of a Rogue Trader's vessel depends on the trader themselves. In the original Rogue Trader book from 1988, it describes some Rogue Traders as former High Lords able to requisition whole fleets. You'd imagine that some of these more powerful traders might have battleships of even Ramilies class star forts at their command.

I'd imagine that PC Rogue Traders in the forthcoming game will probably start with something a bit smaller. A vessel about the size of a cobra destroyer sounds about right: however the writers may go even smaller. There is comparatively little 40k background on the minimum size of a warp-capable vessel, though I have heard stories about single navigator & Astropath vessels (ie 2 crew) only a few hundred feet long. These have been mentioned on forums, but I've never seen a mention of these in any 40k books I've read. I'm not saying they don't exist, just that I haven't seen them mentioned in a "canon" (I hate that word) source.

Lightbringer said:

There is comparatively little 40k background on the minimum size of a warp-capable vessel, though I have heard stories about single navigator & Astropath vessels (ie 2 crew) only a few hundred feet long. These have been mentioned on forums, but I've never seen a mention of these in any 40k books I've read. I'm not saying they don't exist, just that I haven't seen them mentioned in a "canon" (I hate that word) source.

It was the protagonists' ship in the BL novel Eye of Terror by Barrington J. Bayley.


I think that given the immense power and influence of some Rogue Traders (i.e. the Haarlocks from DH), it wouldn't be at all unusual for them to be able to commandeer a capital ship, especially if they were instrumental in the re-conquest of an entire sector of space. The main reason for 'smaller' vessels may also be as much down to disguising warp signatures en-route or tricking a smaller vessel up with xenos tech, like holo fields to evade larger warships and such. Some Rogue Traders seem to go with the whole explorator war fleet approach, while others are literally piercing the void beyond the Astronomicon.

In either case, I hope that the rules for creating space ships are as enterprising and creative as many of the other options from the designer diaries seem to be. Although all vessels generally follow the 'gothic' design now, there must be a number of ways in which each ship could be more modified both externally and internally dependent on the individual whim and vagaries of a particular Trader?


But how big are they (lenght, hight, ect..)?

I only know that an Cobra Destroyer ist 1.5km long!

She has 4 Topedos but what kind off other wapons has it, what damage dose they? ??

Speed, Shields, Armor, how many crew does it have!

Found here deck plans off an so calld

"Cobra Destroyer" how is ONLY 150m Long!! they must be joking!

I always assumed, since playing Space Fleets (quite a poor early version of Battlefleet Gothic) that these vessels were easily the size of a small city - you think of a ship, even one 'small' enough to be Cobra Class as large enough to carry a fair number of troops, military boarding crew, and to be equipped with both torpedoes and batteries of lasers when in close. The cannons would obviously be scaled down in comparison to a larger fleet vessel, like a Cruiser or even an Emperor Class Battleship - these collossal craft would be able to puncture the hull of a Cobra class vessel in several shots, so the ordnance from these bad boys would be immense - after all, they can decimate targets on a planet from orbit with what they are equipped with.

I tend to agree with your premise here that a Cobra vessel would in fact be nearer to a km in length rather than too small - gun cutters and other such craft used for scouting or by certain Inquisitors tend to be of this length, and I would assume, like a modern Warship, a Destroyer is sizeable enough to make its role, hunting down much larger vessels in packs, much more likely.

There are endless debates about ship size all over every GW related site because there was never any effort to clearly set out precise figures.

A consensus among fans was building towards 750 metres for cobra destroyers, 1.5 km for a sword class frigate, about 3 km for a lunar class cruiser and about 5km for a battleship. This consensus was based upon some comments from people like Andy Chambers and Richard Williams, both published GW writers.

However, recent designer diaries for the Rogue Trader game hint at a alightly larger scale: about 5 km for a lunar class cruiser and scaling from there. (so yes, about 1.5 km for a cobra destroyer.)

I guess that technically Rogue Trader doesn't need to address this issue, because most of the Player Characters will be using smaller craft: however, I'd quite like Rogue Trader to have some detail about this stuff, because I love having as much detail as possible about the 40k universe, and the RT game seems a logical place to sort this all out once and for all.

For a general size comparison you might try;

Then clck on -10X up at the top. Just for general reference its quite nice.

Actually, the models used on merzo are acknowledged by their creator to be mis-scaled (apparently not originally, but when the merzo guy put them up he mucked up the scale). Just ask on Port Maw .

Custodes said:


But how big are they (lenght, hight, ect..)?

I only know that an Cobra Destroyer ist 1.5km long!

She has 4 Topedos but what kind off other wapons has it, what damage dose they? ??

Speed, Shields, Armor, how many crew does it have!

Found here deck plans off an so calld

"Cobra Destroyer" how is ONLY 150m Long!! they must be joking!

I have personally found Darkreign40k to be very wrong about a great many things and I wouldn't base anything technical off that website. Its mostly just fanboy self gratification. Look to the actual rulebooks and sourcebooks for Battlefleet Gothic. They can be found in pdf form on the GW website or a dozen other sources.

In general though the ships are really really freaking enormous. They are so big that sometimes an entire clan of mutants can occupy little used sections for years without anyone even noticing.