By BlackFireDragon, in UFS General Discussion

So I've been wondering for some time if and what other people collect in UFS. I remember way back on the STG boards someone collected promo Nightmares (and was paying a good deal for them...) but since then I haven't heard anything about anyone else collecting. So if you collect any card/cards from UFS please share what they are and why you do so. I believe that collecting a certain card/cards is a true sign of how much you really like a game. Plus I think its kind of cool to have something you are always searching for .

I personally collect Promo *Seong Mi-nas*, my current count is 125 and am always looking for more (the link to my trade list is in my sig, I would be happy to liberate them from you). I started as soon as she was released as a card of the month. I've always really liked Seong Mi-na in SoulCalibur, cool character, nice background story, sweet moves, and Halberds rock! She's one of my fav Fighting game characters. When she was released I was really disappointed when I saw her next to promo *Dan*, but I definitely had fun playing her off of water (I love reversals). Her pic is also one of the best I have seen in UFS (though not really a fan of all the pink, red of light blue could have worked too). I'd truly love to collect more copies then champions get of their characters... (are there even that many out there?)

My collection

There appears to be some stains on your carpet. =p

That's too many Minas for my taste.

I collect Anakaris, one of my favorite fighting characters. I think its mostly just because he is a mummy and I have a thing for Ancient Egypt. I would collect Rashoteps as well but they are not nearly as common as Anakaris lol. I don't have too many, just a few binder pages full.

It's weird... for most games I play, I collect some card that holds a special place in my heart. For Magi-Nation, I collect Marella. For Magic, I collect Spore Frog. For Yu-Gi-Oh, it's DMG. etc, etc. But for UFS, perhaps my favorite game to play, I have not gone hardcore into collecting any single card... maybe just because there is only one version of Amy, and it isn't very good... :(

My girlfriend, though, collects every version of Dan and Lizardman. In fact, TaderSalad (Sean) borrowed one of her Lizardmen for the Santa Clara regionals and had a bunch of people sign it. She was ecstatic!

HolyDragonCloud said:

There appears to be some stains on your carpet. =p

That's too many Minas for my taste.

Yeah, thats what happens when you drop your charcoal sticks without noticing it. Also, theres no such thing as too many Seong Mi-nas sure, YOU LIE!

ChaosFlash said:

It's weird... for most games I play, I collect some card that holds a special place in my heart. For Magi-Nation, I collect Marella. For Magic, I collect Spore Frog. For Yu-Gi-Oh, it's DMG. etc, etc. But for UFS, perhaps my favorite game to play, I have not gone hardcore into collecting any single card... maybe just because there is only one version of Amy, and it isn't very good... :(

My girlfriend, though, collects every version of Dan and Lizardman. In fact, TaderSalad (Sean) borrowed one of her Lizardmen for the Santa Clara regionals and had a bunch of people sign it. She was ecstatic!

For YuGiOh I collected Peten the dark clones... I went insain with those (my last count was somewhere around 436). I've got a friend who before she "quit" because of work she collected Amys, I think she had around 20, maybe alittle less.

I collect Misers, i think i am up to 18. stopped collecting for awhile. and for yugioh it was Gearfried.

I have 9 Penny Arcades (3 are the hand drawn version) and 9 Olcadans

Monkey D. Wolfwood said:

I collect Misers, i think i am up to 18. stopped collecting for awhile. and for yugioh it was Gearfried.

If your still interested in Misers I still have 4 of them.

Mass-collecting cards like that is fun. Currently doing it for Naruto (Sakura) and UFS (**Seong Mi-na**).

Shady said:

Mass-collecting cards like that is fun. Currently doing it for Naruto (Sakura) and UFS (**Seong Mi-na**).


Mass collecting is fun, especially when you go out of state to other areas and start "Hunting" for your pray

I've started collecting *Donovan*, Dan/Dan's Taunt, and Ukyo.

But so far, I'm only up to 9 Donovan. Sad faaace.

I have a kinked Donovan* I could trade you if you have a spare Astrid =P It was pulled from the pack kinked from the sheet rollers...

Back in my yugioh days I used to collect Silver Fang, and had 256 before I quit the game and sold them off. I'm starting to collect Astrid support, but I'm also collecting Kasumi Gakis (and making people sign them/draw on them), Machine Gun Dogs, Sogetsu* and to a lesser extent, Ibuki** and Kazuki*. At least count I had just over 50 MGDs, and I'm not sure how many Sogetsu* >_> probably just as many.

I used to mass-collect some cards in Magic: the Gathering, the original Legacy Weapon to be precise, but eventually I just got really sick of trading good, playable cards for what was essentially jank. Ideally, you'd be trading jank for jank, but I could never find anyone who'd do that.

The commons were easier. Skirk Marauder, specifically. I could just pick them up after drafts or whatever. I think I almost hit the thousand (the in-store promotion where the shop was given 500 copies and just gave them to me may have helped), but then I lost interest. It was another box with cards in it and I have too many of those as it is.

I haven't tried to mass-trade for any UFS card, though I've thought about it for *Dan*. The only UFS collection I have right now is my Characters binder.

UFS: God of Metal; 171 (126 foil)

VS: Unus; 49 (9 foil)

Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Bat: 107

Pokemon: Mudkips; 3 :(

Anyone want my collections of Tricky, Belligerent Aggression, and Sublime Contemplation? Just kidding, of course.

I thought about doing that with Elena, but some guy (I think from Atlanta) had a huge head start on me, so I dropped that idea right away. If there was an insanely awesome-looking Riot of the Blood Iori (ROTBI) character card, I'd naturally have to collect as many as humanly possible.

Admiral Ren said:

UFS: God of Metal; 171 (126 foil)

VS: Unus; 49 (9 foil)

Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Bat: 107

Pokemon: Mudkips; 3 :(

There's also Andre's collection of Unpredictable.

Also, how many of these God of Metals are signed?

Homme Chapeau said:

Admiral Ren said:

UFS: God of Metal; 171 (126 foil)

VS: Unus; 49 (9 foil)

Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Bat: 107

Pokemon: Mudkips; 3 :(

There's also Andre's collection of Unpredictable.

Also, how many of these God of Metals are signed?

only 16. (+1 karaoke idol)

Geki: 82

God Of Metal: 202

that is all

I like to collect the Jedah cards; my favorite one being Dark Messiah and/or Soul Absorption. Though as the funny portion of collecting I've been searching for Kung-Fu Strikes, so then when they DO have a decent purpose then I'll have lots!

ShadowDragon said:

I have a kinked Donovan* I could trade you if you have a spare Astrid =P It was pulled from the pack kinked from the sheet rollers...

Back in my yugioh days I used to collect Silver Fang, and had 256 before I quit the game and sold them off. I'm starting to collect Astrid support, but I'm also collecting Kasumi Gakis (and making people sign them/draw on them), Machine Gun Dogs, Sogetsu* and to a lesser extent, Ibuki** and Kazuki*. At least count I had just over 50 MGDs, and I'm not sure how many Sogetsu* >_> probably just as many.

I remember that day with all those characters, they looked cool... and I'll look around to see if I have any MGD and I'm sure I have 1 of either Sogetsu/Kazuki* still laying around in my collection.

in yugioh i colected foil monster reborns, premiture burials, and call of the huanted. i was at 200, 73, and 25 respectively when i quit the game. i haven't realy colected any cards in ufs but i do believe i have over 20 kiliks (stupid character distribution).

I haven't decided to collect any one card, but when I do I'll get back to you.

i was going to back a deck with sublime contemplations for a while because while i was sorting out my block one and 2 stuff i realized i had like 30 without even trying but sadly now ive only got 54 and i cant get any more

I think its really interesting to see all the different things people have started/been collecting, I think it really says something about the game.

It would also be cool if some people could post pics of their collections to share with everyone.

P.S. 2 more *Seong Mi-na* incoming gran_risa.gif

BlackFireDragon said:

I think its really interesting to see all the different things people have started/been collecting, I think it really says something about the game.

It would also be cool if some people could post pics of their collections to share with everyone.

P.S. 2 more *Seong Mi-na* incoming gran_risa.gif

I would if my collection was extraodinare with my jedah obsession lol

but I will say that I pulled 8 Soul Absorptions when I bough my one box of Realm of Midnight, I thought it was a sign xD