Anyone heard any rumors of a new Penny Arcade set to be realeased based on Episode 2? Could add some fun antics to the meta :-)
Penny Arcade: Episode 2
what episode 2?
and i think they said a while ago that they aren't going to make more penny arcade cards. (but i would love to get more)
Captain Ren said:
what episode 2?
and i think they said a while ago that they aren't going to make more penny arcade cards. (but i would love to get more)
Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick "Precipice of Darkness" Episode 2
It was an Xbox Live Arcade release.
it was stated way back in the STG forum that there never would be another PA set... GeorgeH made it very clear with his post (at least i thought so... putting it in all caps and repeating "no more PA sets ever" until the posting box wouldn't let him add anything else)... from what i understand the makers of PA just don't really have the time to make another set (and something about Gabe being sad his character didn't turn out as great as Tycho's)...
The whole Gabe << Tycho thing was probably a jest... And also, just because what was true back 1.5 years ago, doesn't mean the same is true today.
I would love to get another Penny Arcade Set!
I'd love to see some good PA stuff come back, but I don't think it should be all about OtRSPoD stuff. Maybe some of it can be based off some suff from OtRSPoD, but not all of the set.
In other news, On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness's acronym sounds like "otter's pod". Details at 11