Ill forturned and faith powers

By doomande, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

The groups psyker have gotten one to many phenomena and got himself a malignancy, being so lucky to roll low and get Ill-Fortuned. While I have no doubt about how that rule work for his own faith points does one little question spring to mind because of the groups sister hospitaller and her faith powers.

And now my question, would he also have to roll the die to see if those uses of faith works on him? I do know that the rules dosn´t touch on this, so I would like to hear what other people thinks about it.

And now my question, would he also have to roll the die to see if those uses of faith works on him? I do know that the rules dosn´t touch on this, so I would like to hear what other people thinks about it.

The rule is that whenever the Ill-Fortuned character uses [that is, Spends or Burns] a Fate Point, the player rolls 1d10. On a 7+ the Fate Point is used up as normal, but has no effect.

If memory serves, no Faith Power requires another character to Spend or Burn Fate, so as long as the Psyker doesn't somehow pick up the ability to use Faith Powers, Ill-Fortuned shouldn't enter into it. Remember, when the Sister uses a Faith Power, she is the one that Spends or Burns Fate Points. Even if she's using a Power that affects the Psyker.

I believe the Faith Powers specify in their description that if a character has "X" number of corruption or higher, they receive no benefits from the Faith Power

I believe the Faith Powers specify in their description that if a character has "X" number of corruption or higher, they receive no benefits from the Faith Power

Nah, this was the case in the Inquisitor's Handbook, where Corruption was capable of negating the Pure Faith talent.

I haven't seen anything like that in FFG's space magic version.

I thought it was in Blood of Martyrs, that certain Faith Powers, would not affect players with iirc 30+ corruption. It might have been right in the description for those powers.

I'd have to check when I get home.

Edited by Secutor 00K

I stand corrected! Upon closer examination it turns out that there are indeed two Acts - Divine Symbol and Divine Ministration - that would not work if the target has 21 or more CP.

Not very consistent, though, given that most of the buffs don't care for Corruption. Even Healing is possible, if you use Resurrection instead of Divine Ministration.

Edited by Lynata

Really ? Only 2, wow I was sure there was more than that. My mistake

I may have missed another one or two as I've only given the chapter a quick (re-)read - but it definitively was an exception rather than the rule..

I suppose they were prioritising the fun of the group there, which is a valid design approach. Though personally I'd regard it as yet another point in favour of the first iteration in Inquisitor's Handbook.

/brokenrecord :P