After Tekken...

By Rockstar2, in UFS General Discussion

Ah, five. I see. Evern better.

And I'm using them as an example. There's tons of characters, and who's to say the license won't expand like it did for Soul Calibur? If they make Gon, I'm gonna make you eat one.

Hatman - who's that?

I just want King, Heihachi, and Yoshi. And Steve. And Lee/Violet. And..

MegaGeese said:

And I'm using them as an example. There's tons of characters, and who's to say the license won't expand like it did for Soul Calibur? If they make Gon, I'm gonna make you eat one.

If they print Gon I'll be impressed. Well, in the case of Soul Calibur, they went from making Soul Calibur III characters to Soul Calibur IV. As far as I know, you will never see another Abyss ever again, UNLESS they continue to print cards with the "Soul Calibur III" logo in the bottom-left.

Tekken 6 is the confirmed property, and I'm assuming that includes the two Bloodline Rebellion characters Alisa and Lars. To print Gon would be not only stupid but nonsensical because he isn't in Tekken 6.

But hey, if they do, small orange dino to the UFS list, woot.

I could see Mortal Kombat being the next game to get added, since Score Ent. lost the contract for Epic Battle(which was just a kiddy version of UFS) but it was SF vs MK which was awesome. I could also see Marvel and DC getting added since Upper Deck dropped VS tcg from their gaming profile. Too bad WoW TCG is doing so well right now, I think making some of the NPCs from the MMORPG into toons for UFS could be fun, WoW TCG is just a really well back game right now, and I see why, Take all the MMO players who also play TCGs and minatures, and give them a game they already know, it's just ingenious, oh wait, ins't that what STG/FFG did............

dshaffer said:

Guilty Gear and Blazblue would be nice, but apparently the company isnt interested in granting a license. Too bad as I'd like to see Taokaka added to the list of catgirls, as much of a freaky example as she is. corazon.gif

I agree, especially with BLAZEBLUE! I think we need a chick character who's well trained in the arts of Gun-Kata!


RockStar said:

dshaffer said:

Guilty Gear and Blazblue would be nice, but apparently the company isnt interested in granting a license. Too bad as I'd like to see Taokaka added to the list of catgirls, as much of a freaky example as she is. corazon.gif

I agree, especially with BLAZEBLUE! I think we need a chick character who's well trained in the arts of Gun-Kata!


And, while we're at it...IDK if anything like this is in the works, but would it be too much to ask of FFG to release SF4 Promos? I mean, who doesn't want a Promo Gouken released? That would be hawt!!!

Seriously, i know they're not releasing a SF Set for a whole year (which baffles me, esp since SF4 just came out and it's the 'ish, fo realz), but how about throwing us hardcore SF Fans a bone or two in the interim?

MegaGeese said:

Hatman - who's that?

Kazuya the n00bkiller.

The Viewtiful Joe series. Also Onimusha.

There's just far too many action/fighting games I'd love to see.

I'd probably pee my pants if Devil May Cry came into the game. Or Chaos Legion (think DMC but with summons to help you fight). Or Castlevania. Or The Legend of Dragoon (which would have been the big thing if Final Fantasy never hit the stores. If you haven't played Dragoon and you like rpgs....go...get a

HolyDragonCloud said:

There's just far too many action/fighting games I'd love to see.

I'd probably pee my pants if Devil May Cry came into the game. Or Chaos Legion (think DMC but with summons to help you fight). Or Castlevania. Or The Legend of Dragoon (which would have been the big thing if Final Fantasy never hit the stores. If you haven't played Dragoon and you like rpgs....go...get a

Legend of Dragoon was everything Final Fantasy 7 should have been. OH YES I DID.

Except maybe for the score, but even then Uematsu phoned it in for 7.

Nah, I still consider FF7 far better than it, and no that's not entirely fanboyism speaking. I happen to love the Materia system.

HolyDragonCloud said:

Nah, I still consider FF7 far better than it, and no that's not entirely fanboyism speaking. I happen to love the Materia system.

Not wanting to get in that debate here but yeah I do believe my hatred of the game seeps through my post.

I really would like to see Guilty Gear, Killer Instinct, Bloody Roar, and the whole Capcom stars thing sounds cool. Though since VS is over I don't see why not just get the whole MvsC series.

With all problems licences, I think FFG want to have an all master licence about one support. I'm the first one who's glad to see capcom vs marvel superheroes but FFG'll need to have one licence from capcon, another one for Strider hiryu, another one from Marvel. It'll be a real big headache sorpresa.gif

I think honestly it'll be more easy to obtain Mortal Kombat licence with Midway's problems. Snk playmore have a big plethor of characters with whole KoF series ! And if Arc System aren't so stubborn, GG characters would be awesome !

On the side of Capcom, Rival School licence could be next one too.

I've said this in another topic forum but I'd love to see Tenjou Tenge. It's a manga but the fights were pretty good. Plus I think the characters would translate well into the game.

But honestly I'm in love with Shadowar because of it's plot and original characters. If anything I would love to see more original content from FFG. The other licenses is nice but too many licenses could potentially ruin the game. Atleast, that's my opiniion on it. I feel that if FFG does get licenses, it should be from those that aren't too popular. Cult classics, manga, long forgotten guys and stuff like that.

Protoaddict said:

Castle Crashers Box Set.

This man wins the grand prize!

Heh beyond that I'd like to see a Marvel liscence that someone was mentioning, or a full Capcom liscence so we can get folks like Mega Man (who'd I play no matter how much he sucked), Stridr, and Captain Commando.

OMG! how did everyone forget about clayfighter? or at least enough to where nobody thought enough to speak about it i would love it to death if FFG got the license for it

super smash bro's melee as this is a fantasy thread

RockStar said:

And, while we're at it...IDK if anything like this is in the works, but would it be too much to ask of FFG to release SF4 Promos? I mean, who doesn't want a Promo Gouken released? That would be hawt!!!

Seriously, i know they're not releasing a SF Set for a whole year (which baffles me, esp since SF4 just came out and it's the 'ish, fo realz), but how about throwing us hardcore SF Fans a bone or two in the interim?


Ooh, other games I wouldnt mind seeing...Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I'm enough of an anime geek to actually know who everyone on the Tatsunoko side is.

Tuesday said:

super smash bro's melee as this is a fantasy thread

No matter which side of the fence you're on, Brawl does have a bigger cast =)

dshaffer said:

RockStar said:

And, while we're at it...IDK if anything like this is in the works, but would it be too much to ask of FFG to release SF4 Promos? I mean, who doesn't want a Promo Gouken released? That would be hawt!!!

Seriously, i know they're not releasing a SF Set for a whole year (which baffles me, esp since SF4 just came out and it's the 'ish, fo realz), but how about throwing us hardcore SF Fans a bone or two in the interim?

FFG's current licence for SF does NOT include SFIV, sadly. I asked about it at the PotM event. Not sure it would be a good investment for them either, just to get a few new characters and one attack each. Still, I wouldnt mind seeing the stats of the Ultras :)

Ooh, other games I wouldnt mind seeing...Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I'm enough of an anime geek to actually know who everyone on the Tatsunoko side is.

Yea, i figured as much. I just think it poor marketing to drop SF from the roster ESPECIALLY with the release of SF4 and with this being SF's 30th Anniversary. Just seems like poor timing (and planning).

Okay. Minor rant finished. I'm over it.

Nuts to not having SFIV. I want my Rufus.

RockStar said:

Yea, i figured as much. I just think it poor marketing to drop SF from the roster ESPECIALLY with the release of SF4 and with this being SF's 30th Anniversary. Just seems like poor timing (and planning).

SF isn't dropped from the roster, we just won't see it again until either November of this year, or later on in general. With SF having the most amount of sets, it's only fair people wait it out, not to mention, this block has access to plenty of SF characters, not to mention, promos.

MarcoPulleaux said:

RockStar said:

Yea, i figured as much. I just think it poor marketing to drop SF from the roster ESPECIALLY with the release of SF4 and with this being SF's 30th Anniversary. Just seems like poor timing (and planning).

SF isn't dropped from the roster, we just won't see it again until either November of this year, or later on in general. With SF having the most amount of sets, it's only fair people wait it out, not to mention, this block has access to plenty of SF characters, not to mention, promos.

Not dropped and Not released are practically the same thing, man!!! gran_risa.gif

I certainly understand why they would want to make room for other titles -- like Tekken! This last one esp was waaaay overdue imo, and i give Steve major props for staying with it and finally bringing this great Title to the UFS Verse. Can't wait for it, no doubt.

I'm just saddened that it seems like in order to make room, they had to Pause on releasing more of what is arguably the greatest Arcade Fighter ever. I would've thought that a SF4 Set would be the natural progression, especially because of the aforementioned timing of it all, what with it being SF's 30th Anniversary.

Still, i'm not wanting this thread to turn into a complaint thread. I happen to be very excited about Tekken being released, and i absolutely am excited about how amazing these last two Sets, in particular, have been. ShadoWar is off the chains, man. As is SoulCal.

I'd like to see Tobal No. 1 and Tobal 2. And Erhgeiz (sp?).

I'd love Guilty Gear.

I'd love DoA (which is a more solid version of Rock Paper Scissors than most folks give it credit for; DOA2: Hardcore was incredibly well-balanced, though somewhat lacking in diversity of attack inputs).

And I think Mortal Kombat would be a much better UFS license than it is a video game license.

ARMed_PIrate said:

And I think Mortal Kombat would be a much better UFS license than it is a video game license.

At this point FFG could probably acquire it entirely rather than lease it. It's not like it did much for Midway.