After Tekken...

By Rockstar2, in UFS General Discussion

I absolutely cannot wait until the new Tekken sets are released! As a 3d Fighter, Tekken has always been my favorite, even over SoulCal.

Just wanted to know other players' thoughts about what potential new liscenses they'd like to see FFG aquire and bring into the UFS 'Verse...

For my own part...i think Final Fantasy (preferrably the iconic VII with Cloudstrife, Tifa, and Sephiroth and co.) would be pretty darn hot! Already easy to envision Cloud's Buster Sword as an asset, as well as Sephiroth's great Katana.

Obviously, this is a wish list of sorts, but what the heck...we can dream, can't we? gran_risa.gif

RockStar said:

I absolutely cannot wait until the new Tekken sets are released! As a 3d Fighter, Tekken has always been my favorite, even over SoulCal.

Just wanted to know other players' thoughts about what potential new liscenses they'd like to see FFG aquire and bring into the UFS 'Verse...

For my own part...i think Final Fantasy (preferrably the iconic VII with Cloudstrife, Tifa, and Sephiroth and co.) would be pretty darn hot! Already easy to envision Cloud's Buster Sword as an asset, as well as Sephiroth's great Katana.

Obviously, this is a wish list of sorts, but what the heck...we can dream, can't we? gran_risa.gif

Oh man if final fantasy came to UFS I would be Astounded but I don't think it will happen anytime soon to be honest.

I'd like to hope they would try to get Dead or Alive as the next franchise. Yes the girl characters were just ridiculously jiggly and the guy characters sucked ass, but it was fun to play, and anyone who's ever played DOA Beach Volleyball will tell you that it isn't just the fanservice that moved copies of the game, it was a solid fighting game.

OK...I loved FFVII...but it gets WAY too mich attention. >.< Far too many spin-offs and such...just an annoyance. Personally, I would love to see FFIX get some more love. Didn't get nearly the support it should have gotten as it was an awesome game. (FFVI is still the best though =P)

As for the topic, even if FFG wanted to get FF, they would not be able to, as SquareEnix is way to protevtive of they characters. Lookat at you see Geno in there...didn't think so =P

As for what game I would like to see enter the arena ... the same one everyone and their mom wants really ... Guilty Gear. It is is just way too perfect for this game >.< Another game I would like to see would have to be ... (if we go by wishing but would prob never happen) would be Disgaea =P

Castle Crashers Box Set.

lol DoA solid fighter. My first laugh of the day. Though it sounds like you called EBV a fighter from context, but obviously not what's meant.

ERm anyway, from fighting:
Guilty Gear!, Blazblue!, Virtua Fighter 5R (game needs WAY more love in America period), Last Blade 2.

From not fighting that are somewhat realistic:
Smash, "Capcom All-stars" (could be sort of fighting? Guys like Megaman, Strider, Captain Commando, Dante, Ruby Heart, Phoenix Wright, Mike Haggar, etc.)

Fred's idea of a Castle Crashers set would be awesome, but I got to give it up to a TF2 set!

Protoaddict said:

Castle Crashers Box Set.

Give this man a cookie!

I'd love it!

It'd be perfect!!!!!!! gran_risa.gif Oh I can just imagine playing as Green knight or Coney! YES!!!!!

- Sorry got a bit overexcited. haha

Protoaddict said:

Castle Crashers Box Set.

THAT's the one.

Also Virtua Fighter would be too realistic for this game, but I still want it.

I want licenses that are different than what we already have. As awesome as Last Blade is, we already have both Soul Calibur and Samurai Showdown.

As such, I wouldn't mind such licenses as Arcana Hearts (girly, all-anime cast), Bloody Roar (animal transformations), Killer Instinct (besides just nostalgia, the cast is certainly unlike anything we have now), and here's one I bet nobody thought of:

Mace: The Dark Age =D (bah, it was around before ShadoWar!)

I would love to see Mortal Kombat. I also love to see a promo character card made of both Link and Spawn since they were in Soul Calibur. Some other things I would like to see that would be from spin off games would be: Marvel vs. Capom, Mortal Kombat vs. DC., and maybe even Super Smash Bros. I know all of these are far fetched, but I can dream, lol. gran_risa.gif

Guilty Gear and Blazblue would be nice, but apparently the company isnt interested in granting a license. Too bad as I'd like to see Taokaka added to the list of catgirls, as much of a freaky example as she is. corazon.gif

I'd like to see an expansion of the KOF and SS license, to include the rest of the games in those series. I wouldnt mind SFIV being added either.

Arcana Hearts is a pretty good game, although a lot of people seem to get turned off by all the schoolgirl cast....I'd like to see what UFS would do with the Arcana system it uses.

Related in the 'All Girl cast' genre, Touhou's got a couple fun fighting games, which is hilarious if you know its origins. (It started out as a bullet hell shootemup.) The latest, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, actually has a card deck system in it. You build a 'deck' of 20 cards and as you hit your opponent you build up a hand of up to 5. Mostly special attacks or upgrades to your existing attacks. It'd be a natural. Extremely niche genre though, if more than a handful of people have ever heard of Touhou here, I'll be surprised.

Virtual On is getting a bit of a rebirth these days, what with the Xbox live version coming out. Mecha's a bit over the top for the game, but it'd be interesting to see how they curve things.

In the realm of non-fighters, I have a special place in my heart for Prinnies. Nippon Ichi's games would be nice to add.

MarcoPulleaux said:

Mace: The Dark Age =D (bah, it was around before ShadoWar!)

I thought of that. I've also thought of Time Killers, Agressors of Dark Kombat, War Gods, Rise of the Robots, Final Fight Revenge, and about 20242084 other crappy fighters ^_^ .

Yeah, the release on Virtual On in 360 and their inclusion in Super Robot Taisen K and Super Robot Gakuen do make me think there could be something coming for them....

As far as anime/manga goes, I'll give my vote to Hajime no Ippo. Boxing son!

dshaffer said:

Guilty Gear and Blazblue would be nice, but apparently the company isnt interested in granting a license. Too bad as I'd like to see Taokaka added to the list of catgirls, as much of a freaky example as she is.

I'd absolutely flip if Guilty Gear or BlazBlue got licensed. Outside of that, I'd like to see some more non-fighting games, more like extreme action games like Devil May Cry.

DaiAndOh said:

MarcoPulleaux said:

Mace: The Dark Age =D (bah, it was around before ShadoWar!)

I thought of that. I've also thought of Rise of the Robots

You win

I wonder if anybody has ever thought of this gem:

Joy Mech Fight

MarcoPulleaux said:

Joy Mech Fight

Sukapon for Smash 4!

Mortal Kombat seems like the most natural next choice. Its still an active game, etc. I personally would love to see Killer Instinct...but why ressurect an old dead fighter...

Smazzurco said:

Mortal Kombat seems like the most natural next choice. Its still an active game, etc. I personally would love to see Killer Instinct...but why ressurect an old dead fighter...

Because the characters are interesting and it's extremely nostalgic? =/

Obvious point is obvious, but, if we had a Marvel expansion, it's assumed our audience would grow immensely. I'm not sure how much I'd want them to invest in Marvel's vast library, but if they cover all the characters made by Capcom, I think we'll be good =)

Why not just enjoy more Tekken, since they're only printing...what, six characters per set now?

Tekken's got a LOT of characters...we'll be enjoying it for a long while.

Kazuya and Nina were spoiled by Steve. That leaves...Jack, King, Yoshimitsu, Paul, Panda/Kuma, Xiaoyu, Hwaorang, Steve, Bryan, Heihachi, Jin, Law, Eddie/Christie/Tiger, Lee/Violet, the list goes on and on.

MegaGeese said:

Why not just enjoy more Tekken, since they're only printing...what, six characters per set now?

Tekken's got a LOT of characters...we'll be enjoying it for a long while.

Kazuya and Nina were spoiled by Steve. That leaves...Jack, King, Yoshimitsu, Paul, Panda/Kuma, Xiaoyu, Hwaorang, Steve, Bryan, Heihachi, Jin, Law, Eddie/Christie/Tiger, Lee/Violet, the list goes on and on.


Tiger and Violet have no place in UFS since it's based off of Tekken 6. Tiger was nothing more than a palette swap who so happened to have his own ending in Tekken 3, and Violet is a Tekken 4 exclusive and is merely Lee in disguise.

Kuma and Panda, on the other hand, are have two distinct plots, even if they have the same moves.

I'm excited as Hell for Tekken. Me and my friends have already made our predictions for the next 3, but as Steve had said, it isnt' going to be "just the original characters" and that they have a "pretty good line-up", which I'm assuming means there's a possibility we'll get either a fan favorite or a Tekken 6 newcomer, as opposed to the obvious choices (such as Jin, King, Paul, etc).

But yeah, I'm extremely excited.

Mostly, though, I'm curious as to how they're going to market it. Like I'd said, I have no idea how popular or successful ShadoWar wound up being, but if they wanna try opening up their market by introducing Tekken, especially when there are no starter or demo decks (that we know of), then they'd better have some super awesome marketing ploy.

Something along the lines of, "ever wanna fight with a bear or boxing kangaroo?"

World Heroes

short post is short

I could definetly see some cool ideas coming from an addition of bloody roar. Stacking a transformation or cool combo cards that would let you stack the transformation.

tannerface said:

I could definetly see some cool ideas coming from an addition of bloody roar. Stacking a transformation or cool combo cards that would let you stack the transformation.

I invisioned it being slightly like J Talbain, but basically, I saw it as such:

Start with one form, and each turn, you must rotate forms. Kinda like Tira's emotion actions, each turn you must literally swap characters from the human form of a person to their animal form.

MegaGeese said:

Why not just enjoy more Tekken, since they're only printing...what, six characters per set now?

Tekken's got a LOT of characters...we'll be enjoying it for a long while.

Kazuya and Nina were spoiled by Steve. That leaves...Jack, King, Yoshimitsu, Paul, Panda/Kuma, Xiaoyu, Hwaorang, Steve, Bryan, Heihachi, Jin, Law, Eddie/Christie/Tiger, Lee/Violet, the list goes on and on.

5 - we're back to the very first sets.

Also, why just enjoy more Tekken? Because I don't enjoy Tekken and wish we could get something else that I would enjoy.

At least they're releasing a character I actually played in 5.

I would like to see a straight Samurai Showdown set much like that KoF set that came out, and then Dead or Alive and sadly Mortal Kombat as well... after that then just dim down the Street Fighter sets since the Street Fighter sets are the ones with most cards recently. and then catch up with Darkstalkers, despite there are not nearly enough characters in the Darkstalkers universe but can still do something to catch up.

Homme Chapeau said:

5 - we're back to the very first sets.

Actually, I believe they said they were only releasing 1 character, as opposed to the very first sets which had 2.