RtL Questions

By snakeeyes2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi Descenters,

Got some questions from my second Descent campaign.

1) Can the heroes only heal once at the Temple per game week or turn (while in a dugeon) or can they heal as many times in one turn/game week as they want.

2) Related question but regarding the Tavern. Can the heroes each buy one drink or can they buy as many drinks per game week as they want?

3) Is Knockback movement affected by movement penalties (mud, tables, etc.)?

Thank you in advance.

SnakeEyes said:

Hi Descenters,

Got some questions from my second Descent campaign.

1) Can the heroes only heal once at the Temple per game week or turn (while in a dugeon) or can they heal as many times in one turn/game week as they want.

2) Related question but regarding the Tavern. Can the heroes each buy one drink or can they buy as many drinks per game week as they want?

3) Is Knockback movement affected by movement penalties (mud, tables, etc.)?

Thank you in advance.

1. You can heal as many times as you want, you just pay 25 gold and lose a turn to do it...IF you're in a dungeon under the restock circumstance. If you are visiting a town (just arrived via moving on the world map) I would say only one time and it's the only building you can visit.

2. The rules say if you go to the tavern in a visit or train circumstance, you may buy a round of drinks. I would say this is limited to once per game week.

3. I believe the faq clarifies that the figure is knocked back "over" the first two spaces and lands in the 3rd space (or all spaces before the last one in cases of mace of kellos/hammer of doom). In this regard, treat the figure as if it had flying for the spaces it moves past. Keep in mind, the controller of the knockbacking figure controls the movement and does not have to move it a full 3 spaces or at all. If you knock something back into aura/pits/lava, it will take damage. Aura can be especially nasty, as you can move it around that figure with aura for 3 spaces.

I should clarify my first question. I guess when Visiting/Training it's obvious since the healing heals fully. But when Restocking (visiting town while in a dungeon) can a hero, in one turn, spend 75 coins to heal 3 x Temple Rating. Or would it take 3 turns staying in town to heal 3 times?

If you visit (party moves and ends in town) you may heal <rating> for 25gp, once.

If you restock (glyph from dungeon) you may heal <rating> for 25 gp, once per turn.

If you train (party begins and ends game week in town) you may heal to full for 50gp.

Knockback is effectively a teleport. It ignores MP costs (it is not a move action), and it ignores any effects in the first two spaces (Including aura. Aura damage would only be inflicted if the final space was next to a figure with aura, and then only once. The example on page 23 of the base rules shows this explicitly).

Thank you to both of you.