Question about ToI quest 4

By SkittlesAreYum, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I don't have the quest book right now, so forgive me if I don't have the exact wording used. I've also looked through the FAQ and it doesn't seem to be in it. There are SPOILERS after this, so you've been warned.

I think there is a mistake in Tomb of Ice quest 4, which deals with Ice Wyrms. The problem is that the southeast tower contains both the yellow and blue keys. This seems a little strange, since why give both keys in one room? The reason I think this is a mistake, though, is because the main area says that if the Ice Wyrms get wounded and the southeast tower is not revealed then the Ice Wyrm there should be placed in any empty space. However, it is *impossible* for that area to not be revealed, because it contains both keys necessary to enter the main room.

I think the blue key is supposed to be in the northeast tower instead. This makes sense, since the main room has the yellow door on the north and the blue door on the south. That way, if the heroes get the blue key they must walk to the bottom of the map, and if they get the yellow key they must walk to the top of the map. This way it is also possible to not expose the wyrm in the southeast tower. What do you think?

Also, was it just me or was this quest really easy? I was expecting a good fight since there were Ice Wyrms. Heck, I even had Brilliant Commander in play and upgraded the lone normal Ice Wyrm to a master (not sure if this is allowed since it's named, but we couldn't find anything against it). They killed the master Ice Wyrm, even with its 8 extra wounds, before I even got a turn to attack with it.

In addition, the Medusa room seemed ridiculous. The Medusas have to live for 3 turns before anything happens? How is that going to happen, considering that spawning is all-but impossible? Not that spawning matters; they killed all three Medusas before I got a turn, and I even played a dodge. Heck, they killed them all so fast the fourth hero didn't even have anyone to attack, so he went and grabbed the chest and potions. Seriously, three turns? Not that it's a big deal, but am I missing something? Did the designers really expect that to be a challenge?

I don't remember the whole thing with the rune keys. We played this one with only 3 heroes (since 3 seem to be able to handle many of the quests in this one), and the heroes ended up dying before they got to any of the ice wyrms or the medusas. Keeping things slow and going for the early kill is generally my main plan as OL, since if you don't the heroes tend to build up too much conquest for you to overcome, especially since they only get stronger as the quest goes on and their equipment improves.

They can be sent there by the Medusae surviving more than three hero turns - that is the effect that happens.

pinkymadigan said:

They can be sent there by the Medusae surviving more than three hero turns - that is the effect that happens.

Yes, but the rules for that effect say to immediately add Sardrac from area 6 (if unrevealed) to area 8, which means that the text in area 8 causing the Sardrac to storm in if Kosric or Malandra are killed still cannot be triggered.

So I agree there is probably an error.

Antistone said:

pinkymadigan said:

They can be sent there by the Medusae surviving more than three hero turns - that is the effect that happens.

Yes, but the rules for that effect say to immediately add Sardrac from area 6 (if unrevealed) to area 8, which means that the text in area 8 causing the Sardrac to storm in if Kosric or Malandra are killed still cannot be triggered.

So I agree there is probably an error.

Ha, hadn't even noticed that part of it. Probably mixed text from several iterations of the quest.