Did anyone else see this trailer? It was one of ours during the early showing of Star Trek. If you haven't seen it, check it out here . Its got some badass Coheed and Cambria music. I need to check out more of those guys. I think this might be Tim Burton's masterpiece. It looks amazing, both from a visual standpoint and the story looks pretty interesting too. And with some sweet actors voicing, it should be a pretty cool movie. Man this year just keeps getting better and better!
9 Movie
looks interesting, but probably not worht my $10 and a wait for dvd movie.
Side note: did they hire the graphic artist who made little big planet for that movie?
lol. good point on Little Big Planet, but I don't think so. Apparently it was a short film that is being remade into a full length film. And I think it'll def be worth seeing it in the theater, unless you have a nice big tv at home, which I don't because I'm poor. lol So the big screen really makes it worth it for these types of movies where half of the appeal is the visual effect.
well 40' full HD idn;t huge, but its big enough.
~you know if you stopped going to the movies you might not be poor
lol. actually ticket prices around here are pretty reasonable. 6 bucks for a ticket. and have you been to a theater lately? we've had 2 built here this past year and they are AMAZING! nice reclining seats, arm rests that raise and lower(so you can actually make abit of a couch and lay down if you want), and tons of leg room in between rows. Even for me! and I'm about 6' 3" so that's saying something. and they have free refills on their drinks. You fill up yourself too. So 3 bucks gets you a large and you fill it up on the way in and on the way out, that's cheaper than a 20 oz bottle. Anyway, sorry for the commercial there. lol I've just been really impressed with theaters lately.
I actually like the theaters with the bars. When we went to see 300, my brother had to buy 2 "large" beers -- one for before the film, and one for during so he wouldn't have to make a trip back.
Alright, now that I could actaully see the trailer, I'm psyched! That movie looks cool, and everyting you said about the music kicks ass.
Dude I know! I am getting more excited about this than the Terminator movie! Which I just keep hearing worse and worse things about. oh well.
Has anyone seen this movie? A group of us from the store were going to see it Friday, but the nearest theater was almost an hour away -- and then they uodated their listings and they weren't showing it anymore. I'm glad to see it was the second hghest grossing film of the week, in the hopes that more theaters take a cahnce and pick iu up this week. The local theater showed a movie called "Bandslam." Seriously, do teens and tweens really watch that stuff?
I saw it with my family. We enjoyed it.
I really wanted to see this movie right when it came out, but I was too busy. I am excited to see it though, and am glad that you all seem to have liked it.