Additional Avatar Request List

By Ken_Masters, in UFS General Discussion

I didn't see a list for this yet but if there is just let me know and I'll redirect my attention. Anyways I know they are going to add more Avatars to the selections, but I was wondering what characters everyone wanted. I mean personally it's killing me to have to use Ryu as my Avatar when Ken_Masters is my SN. lol but the irony isn't lost upon me. So obviously my vote would be to add Ken to the "character select" (sorry I couldn't resist)


Just post your top character preferrence and I'll try to update a list up here in the top post since I didn't see anyway to just make a poll. Only current licenses apply.

List: (11/25)

Ken - 1

Champs/assets would be nice. so they could use their own faces as avvy :P

Iori, regular costume please.

personally i'd like to see the 1st 2 batches of the SC character promos, the 2nd batch of SF character promos and the 1st 2 batches of the SNK character promos... those promos (imo) had really decent art that could work well as avatars...

Ivy, Normal Costume, from both SC2, SC3, and SC4

maybe Weapon avitars for the SC and SS characters

more makoto, rera, more cammy, more setsuka, Chae.

Sakura, Mai!

and more Ibuki :P

Im having problems with my av in general, it wont lemme see it :(

Kallen Kozuki from Code Geass.

...yes, not a UFS property (it should be, though), but no one can deny that a cute red-head in a bunny girl costume wouldn't be fine. ^^

...on the UFS front, maybe some of Cassandra's from Higher Calibur and some Luise.

Ok so apparently I can't "edit" my own post and update the list. However I do value all the replies thus far. Anyone know how to edit your own post? If so let me know ASAP so I can update my original post and create this list. Thanks.

Ultra raph from SC02 plx

you can't edit your posts on these forums unless its within 5 minutes after posting it...

and Saccharin? i'm unable to see roughly half of the different avatars but i brought it to the attention of Paul earlier today and he's looking into it...

Sort of miss being able to just have my own Avatar. Miss that Light Horse Brigade logo

i would like some of the new Nakoruru art work ^_^

X, Athena, Yuri Sakizaki, Cassy(HC costume) yeah...


kiit said:

i would like some of the new Nakoruru art work ^_^

This and Geese as well.

At least Morrigan is here if not then I would be complaining as well im sure.

More than just the one Geese avi, any Donovan at all (sad face), Ukyo, Sankuro, Ken, and Sagat (for starters, lol).




Although, I do quite like the one I've got now.

i want my chibi back i thought it was awesome and no one else could have it cause i scanned it in boohoo

I'd like to see **Seong Mi-na** as a selectable avatar. I know there's already an avatar of her, but the pic is really off-centered IMO and that ruins it for me.

Or better yet, having the option to upload our own avatars.

Chun-Li. And just to make the post long enough:


promo lizardman

I want tira avatars D< my beloved Goddess of death ;o; why is there none of her. I cant see half the avatars so if there is one I apologise but I can never have too many :P .

I want The Torn Sin from their Anima license NAO! This topic spurred me to check to see if they fixed their Anima avatars and I picked the coolest one. That game has sexy art. O', hae... there's The Torn Sin corazon.gif
