A couple questions....

By Nightwolf629, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A few questions I cannot find an answer to in any FAQs,

1) The basic question is: Does Aura work through a closed door? But please consider this scenario:

A hero with Aura 4 (Shiver) stands next to a closed door (to an area that has already been revealed). On the other side of the door, a monster moves adjecent to Shiver (but with the closed door between them), then it opens the door. Would the monster take damage when it moved into the space? After it opened the door? Or would it take no effect from the aura at all?

2) Does the Spiritwalker Skill card require LoS to the ally you are attacking through?

3) Is there any way a hero can break down a door so that it cannot be used again? I know that there is a skill card that allows you to do this for 0 movement, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this via prolonged actions or by spending extra movement?

4) I read in an FAQ that Furr the Spirit Wolf must be within 5 squares and LoS to the owner in order to attack. Does this apply to movement as well? Or can Furr be moved around the dungeon, even if the owner is in town?

...this is all i can think of for now.

Thank you

Nightwolf629 said:

A few questions I cannot find an answer to in any FAQs,

1) The basic question is: Does Aura work through a closed door? But please consider this scenario:

A hero with Aura 4 (Shiver) stands next to a closed door (to an area that has already been revealed). On the other side of the door, a monster moves adjecent to Shiver (but with the closed door between them), then it opens the door. Would the monster take damage when it moved into the space? After it opened the door? Or would it take no effect from the aura at all?

2) Does the Spiritwalker Skill card require LoS to the ally you are attacking through?

3) Is there any way a hero can break down a door so that it cannot be used again? I know that there is a skill card that allows you to do this for 0 movement, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this via prolonged actions or by spending extra movement?

4) I read in an FAQ that Furr the Spirit Wolf must be within 5 squares and LoS to the owner in order to attack. Does this apply to movement as well? Or can Furr be moved around the dungeon, even if the owner is in town?

...this is all i can think of for now.

Thank you

1) No idea. Most things cannot go through doors, so I believe Aura wouldn't either, but no one's asked this question before

2) No, you don't need LoS to the friendly figure.

3) No, Brawny is the only way to destroy doors forever that the heroes posess

4) Only applies to attacking with Furr. The owner can move Furr whenever.

I think the rules are fairly clear that no effects can pass through a closed door. The monster would take no damage moving adjacent to the door/Shiver, and none from opening the door as they aren't moving into an adjacent square at that point. Somewhere there is a rule about figures that do not move out of an enemy aura that they began their turn in taking full damage, but I am not sure where to find it.

The aura damage rule is that if the door was opened, the monster would have to move away before the end of the monster's turn, or he would take damage. It's in the FAQ... the question mentions starting a turn on a damaging space like lava.

Veinman said:

The aura damage rule is that if the door was opened, the monster would have to move away before the end of the monster's turn, or he would take damage. It's in the FAQ... the question mentions starting a turn on a damaging space like lava.

Well, in my example, the monster moves up and opens the door in the same turn... so the monster did not start his turn in the aura. Therefore, I dont think he would take the damage, even if he end of his turn inside the aura.

But the following turn, if he is still inside the aura at the start of his turn, he would need to move or take damage.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Lord Foul said:

I think the rules are fairly clear that no effects can pass through a closed door. The monster would take no damage moving adjacent to the door/Shiver, and none from opening the door as they aren't moving into an adjacent square at that point. Somewhere there is a rule about figures that do not move out of an enemy aura that they began their turn in taking full damage, but I am not sure where to find it.

Would the spiritwalker skill work through a closed door (ie, the 2 allies involved are on opposite sides of a closed door)?

Nightwolf629 said:

Veinman said:

The aura damage rule is that if the door was opened, the monster would have to move away before the end of the monster's turn, or he would take damage. It's in the FAQ... the question mentions starting a turn on a damaging space like lava.

Well, in my example, the monster moves up and opens the door in the same turn... so the monster did not start his turn in the aura. Therefore, I dont think he would take the damage, even if he end of his turn inside the aura.

But the following turn, if he is still inside the aura at the start of his turn, he would need to move or take damage.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

I agree. The monster wouldn't have to move off the aura until it's next turn since it did not start it's turn in the aura, per the way aura can effect in the faq. Probably not a good idea to put shiver next to a closed door.

As to spiritwalker and doors, there is nothing in the description of the skill that requires los, so I don't see why a door would block it if you are within the required # of spaces (10 in vanilla, 5 in rtl). Much like Kirga's ability, command, and Runewitch's ability, a closed door would not effect. The only exception is runewitch vs. a non-revealed area.