Next Expansion? Content and Timing

By Frobozz, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Since there isn't a lot of news about Diskwars right now, I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks will be in the next expansion and when will it be released.

Can we expect dual releases like the first round of expansions, one for Order and one for Destruction? Or will they be released one at a time?

Who knows?

A single box set of Wood Elves and Dark Elves would be cool.

Wood Elves don't offer much variety given their hero's ability only works on forest disks...

Anything would be welcome, really. Happy to wait and not wanting to be overloaded.

I would assume they will pursue paired releases of order and destruction like they did for the Dwarves and VC. They will almost certainly flesh out the regiments they included in the last expansions before they introduce anything new, but I can hope for Bretonnia and Ogres instead...

Seriously, though, we will probably see more of the partial factions before we see anything else. I will be excited no matter what/when they put out, and I agree with TezzasGames that a bit of a wait suits me just fine; it gives me time to run lots of different combinations and get the feel of the units before new expansions hit the table!

I feel pretty certain we'll get a very similar release to the last one, but focusing on two of the factions that we only received a single regiment of before. My hope is Lizardmen and Skaven. But I suppose the better money is on Dark Elves and Wood Elves, since in general they are more popular.

Anyway, I'd expect some more terrain, objectives, deployment, and command cards, with a little bonus for all of the existing factions. I'd love to see a new hero thrown in for each of the factions, but I doubt that will happen.

I strongly doubt we will see any new factions at this point. Leastwise, not until they have fleshed out all of the existing factions. But my hope would be for the Tomb Kings.

It's really too bad that they aren't further along with this game. I'd love to see some tie-in with the 'End Times' stuff going on with the mini's game. Nagash at the head a combined Vampire Count/Tomb King army would be awesome. All of the stuff going on at GW has made me want to finish painting my TK... Too bad I don't really have time for it.

I was actually just thinking about that this morning – mainly because I played in a great tournament yesterday using the Stronghold scenario. I think FFG has set themselves up for a couple of different options totally depending on how financially successful Diskwars has been and what their plans have been for the game from the beginning.

1) Very successful, excellent return on investment, plans to expand indefinitely – we could see another 2 cycles of small boxes in the same order/chaos, so two order boxes and two destruction boxes, each one finishing out one of the races introduced to this cycle, adding new disks and heroes for the other factions, and possibly introducing one new race each (so four new races total).

2) Moderately successful, acceptable return on investment, open to expansion but not definite – we see a big box expansion as we did with the starter, this one completing all four factions, but probably not introducing additional units to the other factions. This finishes out everything and leaves them the option to either develop a new set of races and add heroes and units to existing races if it is successful in future small box expansions as they did with the most recent set of expansions.

I think the key is what FFG has planned for Diskwars to be from the beginning. From the get-go, it has been listed as a board game, not an LCG. So, for example, no one panicked about Chaos in the Old World not doing well when there weren’t 20 expansions announced for it, it wasn’t intended to be that sort of game. I think the same is true for Diskwars. I’m sure I’ve said it elsewhere on the forums, but I do not think this game was intended to compete with Android or X-Wing, and thank goodness! It would have been doomed to fail from the start if that was the case.

Instead, I think FFG are much smarter businessmen. I think they’ve designed a game that has pretty substantial modularity and flexibility for future expansions. I’m really inclined to see option 2 as the most likely, I think they are truly treating this as a board game, and depending on its success, they may add on more armies in the future.

Finally, one very important point about board games and the internet – I may be showing my advancing age here, but I remember a time before BGG, before the internet, when games stood or fell based on income alone – you didn’t know if a game would get an expansion until, well, it did. The lack of buzz about Diskwars on the internet isn’t as concerning to me – if we’re looking at Diskwars as a board game and not a LCG. I see FFG announcing and producing a Winter Tournament kit with alternate art disks, terrain, and a special scenario. I think that’s an excellent sign that whatever their intentions for Diskwars were, they’ve been met.

TL;DR – Diskwars is awesome and seems to be pleasing FFG with its performance based on the production of a winter tournament kit. I think a big box expansion finishing the four races previewed is most likely, with possibly more to come based on the ongoing financial success of the game. :-) And as far as timing and unit speculation goes, I'm going to guess a winter announcement and late 1st quarter release. For box speculation, I'd bet the Wood Elves will get a command card that lets them place a large forest/move one, Dark Elves will get a caster with mobile, Lizardmen will get a Slann hero with Magic 4, and Skaven will get a command card that lets them reinforce to terrain on the board rather than their activation zones.

Edited by dkartzinel

I think a Wood Elf command card that let you place a forest would be pretty crazy, though I have been thinking something along those lines would be likely. Maybe a hero that allows you to place an extra forest?

Love your predictions overall. Here's hoping they come true!

Actually, that does make more sense, a hero that lets you bring an extra forest would be easier than a command card, unless the command card itself lets you move the forest, but by choosing the command card you can also place an extra forest at the start of the game? They might even get both. :-P

"Tree singing" as a command card - allows you to flip a forest terrain within long range of a caster twice (so that it ends up as a forest again).

May not be used on a forest terrain pinned by other discs, and may not pin other discs.

Alternatively, include a 'magic forest' template in the box...

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Two flips of the forest might be a bit much. But I like the way you are thinking.

Maybe move the forest short or medium range, without flipping it. Also, it should allow you to ignore normal terrain placement rules so that you can move it within short of another piece of terrain... On second thought, maybe that last bit is a bit too powerful... I guess that's what play testing is for.

So I was looking at the timing of the first expansion.

The core was released in late December of last year and the first expansions announced in April.

The expansions were released in June.

So if they stick to this timing, we should hear something about the next round of expansions in Oct/Nov, with a release in December or January.

I'm really hoping for a mid December release, so I can get the games for Christmas, but it seems that frequently the games I'm most excited about from FFG get release dates after Christmas, so we'll have to wait and see.

Yeah, that post-Christmas time-frame seems to be almost intentional. It always gets me, or at least it seems that way.

Since there isn't a lot of news about Diskwars right now, I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks will be in the next expansion and when will it be released.

Can we expect dual releases like the first round of expansions, one for Order and one for Destruction? Or will they be released one at a time?

Before I see any future expansions I want Competitive Play become a little more prominent. I have a real interest in playing in a tournament with promos and other goodies at any local hobby store in Southern California.

Since there isn't a lot of news about Diskwars right now, I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks will be in the next expansion and when will it be released.

Can we expect dual releases like the first round of expansions, one for Order and one for Destruction? Or will they be released one at a time?

Before I see any future expansions I want Competitive Play become a little more prominent. I have a real interest in playing in a tournament with promos and other goodies at any local hobby store in Southern California.

Though I understand your point, competitive play will never gain much prominence if the game doesn't continue to grow and expand.

One of the weaknesses of this game, is that it's still pretty limited in terms of options. Of course, I think they did an excellent job of providing tons of options in the core box alone, but there is a difference between enough options for casual play, and enough for competitive play. Just my opinion of course.

I just think that as a casual game it has tons of great options and builds already available, but when you go out and play tournaments, what makes things interesting is having the ability to really come out of left field with something different that can still win. My guess, though I don't play in tournaments with this game (mostly because there aren't any in my area), is that if there was a strong tournament scene, you'd see a 2-3 different builds for each army gain prominence. Then you'd see that of all of those builds, only about 4-5 would be really competitive.

As the game grows, and options for each army build, you'll see more interest in the game, and more interesting builds. At the very least, they need to flesh out the existing factions before anything will get rolling in earnest.

Edited by MechaBri.Zilla

So I was looking at the timing of the first expansion.

The core was released in late December of last year and the first expansions announced in April.

The expansions were released in June.

So if they stick to this timing, we should hear something about the next round of expansions in Oct/Nov, with a release in December or January.

I'm really hoping for a mid December release, so I can get the games for Christmas, but it seems that frequently the games I'm most excited about from FFG get release dates after Christmas, so we'll have to wait and see.

My hope is we are going to see some news sooner than october/november: the expansions were announced at the beginning of March, so, considering a (reasonable IMHO) 6-month gap, there could be an announcement within a few weeks for a late December/early January release. Better if they arrive before Christmas, but I doubt it...

Hi Sniper! Welcome to the FFG board!

Glad to have your expertise here too. ;)

I genuinely hope you are right, and that we hear something soon. I can't one up a pre-Christmas release enough. It's so much harder for me to buy games in that month or two afterward...

Yes, good to see Sniper on here!

I have already plugged your blog in several threads, trying to spread the good word, so I am glad that you are here to do it now. :D


I would be happy to just to see some more heroes for all the current armies. It would extend the play life of all the existing units and add some new tactics to the game. Heck, an expansion that contains two new heroes per existing army, plus more terrain and scenarios and I would be excited....

When they do put out a new army.....I want to see Beastmen! But I am pretty sure they are gonna stick with traditional armies and Invasion art work.