
By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If a hero has a frost token and attacks with two weapons, does he have to roll a power dice for each weapon, or just the primary weapon?

I'm thinking just the primary... maybe...

I'd vote for both. Why just roll for one weapon? The hero is covered in frost. Was one arm left outside the frost zone? Nope, roll for both. The hero knows the risks and can reequip to lessen the chance of breakage. If he wants the extra damage of two weapons, he risks both breaking. Tough.

edroz said:

I'd vote for both. Why just roll for one weapon? The hero is covered in frost. Was one arm left outside the frost zone? Nope, roll for both. The hero knows the risks and can reequip to lessen the chance of breakage. If he wants the extra damage of two weapons, he risks both breaking. Tough.

Having reviewed both the descriptions of off-hand bonuses and frost in their respective rulebooks, I beg to differ.

From JiTD:

Wielding Two

If a hero has two one-handed Melee
weapons equipped at once, he may
gain the benefits of an Off-Hand
Bonus. The weapon the hero does not
use to attack adds its off-hand bonus to
attacks with the other weapon.

And AoD:


Frost tokens indicate that a hero has been
temporarily covered in a thin sheet of ice,
weakening his items. At the start of each
of that hero player’s turns, he must roll a
power die for each frost token on the
hero. For each power surge rolled, one frost token is discarded.
Otherwise, the tokens remain. Each time a hero
attacks with a weapon when he has one or more frost
tokens on him, he must afterwards roll 1 power die for
each frost token on him. If any power die rolls a blank,
the weapon used to make the attack is shattered and discarded.
This also applies to the hero’s shield each time it is
exhausted to absorb damage, as well as to the hero’s
armor each time an attack deals 5 or more wounds to him
(before being reduced by armor)

As you can see, the description of wielding two weapons specifically states that the off-hand bones comes from the weapon the hero does not use to attack. Frost specifically says when a hero attacks with a weapon. One could say that the second weapon is being used, and that is why you get the bonus. Thematically, the other weapon is in use, but you also don't roll for a shield you don't exhaust and you don't roll on armor if less than 5 damage is dealt. The fact that you don't roll dice with the offhand and the rules themselves tell me not to roll to break the offhand.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to include off-hand weapons in the frost roll because they don't actually roll for damage.

So you're saying that just by holding the secondary weapon in your off hand, your primary weapon does more damage? And that this secondary weapon plays no part in doing this extra damage? It just swings in the air and magically makes your primary weapon better.

I can understand that you don't roll for the extra damage, but thematically, this secondary weapon should be striking the target to do the damage. Therefore, since a frozen weapon is hitting an object it has a chance to break.

Wait, sorry, there I go adding theme and sense to the Descent rules...

One could argue themeatically that an offhand weapon is used to parry any counterattack, allowing you to use a more forceful/powerful attack technique without leaving yourself defenseless.

One could also argue that it is a Board Game, not a pen and paper RPG. One still wouldn't get very far.