What does it mean? It's mostly on attachments. Some are unique some aren't, but there's that keywoird in both.
Edited by lucmobzMeaning of keyword: Title.
That is the Trait for Steward of Gondor and several other cards. There may be effects in the future that allow you to interact with Titles (maybe search your deck for a Title attachment and add it to your hand, for instance). So far in the game there are no cards that do this, though.
As for other traits besides Title, there are several card effects that interact with attachments with the Weapon trait. Bofur from the Hobbit expansions lets you search your deck for a Weapon, and the events Foe-hammer, Goblin Cleaver, and Straight Shot allow you to use your weapons for an additional effect.
Thematically, I guess the Title means the attached character is no longer just Aragorn, but is "Aragorn, Protector of Lorien, Steward of Gondor, Wingfoot".
Thanks for the answer, I guess I can be titled protector of lorien twice (lol)? while only once as for steward of gondor (bein g unique).
There can be several Protectors of Lorien but can only be one Steward of Gondor at a given time...
Think Haldir and his brothers as Protectors of Lorien but only Denethor was Steward
Yes but what I mean is: can the same hero be titled twice with the same non-unique card? (In the case of protector of lorien it would be pointless given the effect of the card).
Title is only a trait.
You are not "titled with something".
Also, as Protector of Lorien is errated and limited to 3 per turn, having 2 allow you to use it 6 times per turn.
Ok, just found it funny, thanks for the reply!