RTL dungeon levels with more than one boss?

By Stillborn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We just went through a dungeon level with 3 bosses, (the one where they all have knockback and there is a pool of water in the middle and some crypts)

Anyways, it was the last level of the dungeon, so the dungeon boss should have been worth 4xp and 250 gold.

But which was the boss? all of them, the last one, or maybe one we choose?

In the end I just gave them 2xp + 100g for the first two killed and 4xp and 250g for the last one.

Does that seem right, or did I owe them 4 more xp and 200 more gold because each boss was considered to be a leader?


You owe them 4 more CT and 300 extra gold. It´s in the FAQ, multiple leaders give multiple rewards. If they are lucky to have three leaders on a final level, then it´s 12 CT and 750 gold.

Parathion said:

You owe them 4 more CT and 300 extra gold. It´s in the FAQ, multiple leaders give multiple rewards. If they are lucky to have three leaders on a final level, then it´s 12 CT and 750 gold.


That's 12 CT and 750 gold if you kill all 3. 250 and 4 Conquest per leader, in case your heroes wanted to kill two and then flee or something.