Roles, Drawbacks and Combat Overbleed rules....looking for volunteers to playtest.

By Peacekeeper_b, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Writing up some new rules that I need test played. Should have the documents ready by friday for those interested.

Simple enough, make up 400-600XP characters using the optional rules for Roles and Drawbacks and run them thorugh Shattered Hope and use the combat overbleed rules.

If interested let me know.

Your intrested primarly in a 'Stress Test' correct? Basically trying to break the rules or exploit them, or do you want the testers to 'play it straight'?

Pint me interested!

I was going to nab your roll rules when written any way. ;-) It sounds a lot simpler now then when you were initially brainstorming them and I haven't even had the time to think about my own thoughts on how to implement more versatile and rounded roles... your solution sounds simpler then anything that was going through my head. Likewise, since I'm not going to have tome to wrap up my notes on their next investigation by this weekend, this has come at the perfect time... we can still play something :-D

peacekeeper_b I've sent you a PM on the old FFG Forums enclosing my email adress.

How do I get to the Old FFG Forums?


The Roles have been finished as a skeleton rough draft. Im going to reedit them tonight and put base costs in and ensure that the talent tree is followed (it would be pointless if you could get a elite advance talent at rank one but cant get the necessary prerequisites till rank 3 or so).

Combat Damage Overbleed rules are pretty much done. +1 damage per each full 10 points you hit by after the first 10 points.

0-10 +0

11-20 +1

21-30 +2

31-40 +3

and so forth. The only rule that isnt written yet for Combat Damage Overbleed is a damage max if any.

Drawbacks are still in early phase (ie, thought about). Basing it on DC Heroes style drawbacks. Drawbacks will give negative effects on the character or other restrictions, but give bonus starting XP. Trying to mod them around existing drawbacks in character origins, alternate career ranks, traits and backgrounds so they feel more like these drawbacks represent past adventures or experiences.

Should be able to email the roles friday morning.

It will be easier if those interested just email me at [email protected] with a subject line of Test Play.

I can give you feedback on the combat overbleed because I've been using it since I started GMing WFRP 2nd ed when it came out. It works, is fun, but can backfire when the NPCs hit well against the players. Although each DoS adds +1 to the damage when I'm GMing. Your system may actually reduce the nastiness of the extra damage somewhat.


Excellent. Look forward to more feed back.

A test play document for Roles has been posted on Unearthed Apocrypha.

What format, pdf? Also is U.A. in your sig yet.. ? I

A link would be nice. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Just had a browse through the .wps file and it looks good. I like how it gives characters a bit more flexibility and is a good alternative to a slew of elite advances. May throw it at my own players during their next downtime to represent additional training. Well, if they survive that long, at least. I do have a couple of suggestions, though.

-The Brute background gets an additional wounds on top of the usual 5 stat points. Only a slight imbalance, and it fits with the background so it's a small gripe.

-The Champion background seems a little conflicted to me. It's based on fighting prowess (hence it's roots in WS and BS) but later on it shifts towards Command. It also offers up some powerful talents reasonably early on. Fearless at rank 4 is a real eye-catcher and, if the character is elected nominal leader of the cell, by rank 4 you'll have the entire time shrugging off even the worst horrors of the galaxy. Well, psychologically, at least.

-The Charismatic background is solid, though I'd suggest swapping Interrogate and Intimidate around in terms of when they become available. Interrogation is an advanced skill and represents more than just pressuring someone to release information.

-The Dedicated I really like, since it brings near-insane zealotry to every career. This may or may not be clouding my judgement on whether it might be too good or not.

-The Fast looks perfect to me.

-As does The Free. An extra fate point is a big deal since it's both an extra reroll every session as well as, essentially, an extra life for the character.

-Rank 1 and 2 for The Smart are pretty good, while the latter ranks are a less so (though arguably Forbidden Lore can be an extremely valuable skill to have). It balances out quite nicely, I'd say.

The Champion is more then just a combat arms monster. I didnt want to just give bonuses for death kill murder with him. I sort of wanted them to represent a inspirational leader who leads from the front and by example.

As for the Brute, it was a judgement call, I didnt want them to be over powered but their skill/talent pool isnt extraordinarily open, so I geve the bonus wound.

I would like to see how it works out before moving on to draft two of the rules and hearing some imput and ideas on what works and what doesnt work.

As was mentioned, it is to give a bit more flexibility throughout the careers then standard "i hit things". The only concern I have is guradsmen who take champion or brute as they could easily become walking walls of death.

So later drafts may see a serious reduction in skills and talents or at least swaps for lower level ones of similar design.

But also remember, these have to be paid for, so buying a elite advance from one of these roles reduces your purchases from the normal charts.

Perhaps you have to pay a 100XP fee to just have a role?

Check the hyperlink - too many http's but I foudn the site anyway. Will investigate further.

I didn't run characters through the scenario, but I've used a ruling identical to yours for damage overbleed. It's most appropriate if you want to increase the lethality of combat (and, consequently, its speed), though in my case, I only applied the extra damage when characters used singular attacks, seeing as full-auto weapons are already powerful enough as it stands, and it makes weapons without the ability for multiple hits more competitive.

I gave a look through the roles, and showed them to my players, and we all liked the concept, as it codifies some of my lax elite advance code and gives it more focus. I am not sure about the specific selections, though. Champion appears to be quite powerful with Blademaster at first rank and Fearless at the 4th. Step Aside for Fast at rank 3 also stroke me as way too poweful, not only is it an uncommon talent found at higher ranks, but several careers are only then getting dodge (and adept on a later rank!).

While the others are powerful in their own way, they don't seem to be in a way that is not already presented by the character options in the Inquisitor's Handbook. I'd probably revise the options provided for the characters, and would concur with making the role cost at least 100 XP, I'd see the initial bonus as an "advance" that doesn't count towards the character's limit, demonstrating their investiment into the area being developed.

1) Please, please, please check the link!
While i am not the curious about a "new" combat system, I would love to see this new advancement schemes of yours!

2) Question about "extra damage" vs. "DH errata sniping rules"
Are your rules supposed to remove the "sniper" rules from the DH errata? If not, I fear that some-one using the aim action and a weapon with acc. could turn into something a little overpowered.