Hey! We've been running a campaign using the latest beta rules. I just got a copy of the Dark Heresy book and I'm curious if anyone has compiled a list of differences yet. I assume there arn't many but from a quick scan I noticed they changed the stat requirements for the Shape Flesh spell so I'm wondering if there anything is anything else we should be aware of.
Differences in final product
Welp guess no one knows. I'll use this thread to list any I find that may be of use to people that are interested. I'll keep the descriptions vague enough so that it's not a method of just using the PDFs.
1. Shape Flesh Psychic power stat requirements changed.
2. Imperial Guard background bonus changed
3. Bolter gun stat line changed
Question for you, do you have any idea when they plan to release the 2nd ed rules on PDF? I also purchased the beta, and at DriveThruRPG they said the $20 would be credited towards buying the finished rules when they came out.
Thanks in advance
Starting characteristic values seem to have been reduced by 5 in the final release version when compared to the BETA.
-=Brother Praetus=-