This might be a quibble, however, I've noticed that the choice of words used to describe various rules could be chosen better.
A lot of the discussions on the board center around the interpretation of the RAW for a particular talent, skill, action, etc... These interpretations often pivot on one or two chosen words in the passages used to to describe the effect.
Pg. 106, FaD Beta
"...the character may suffer 2 strain to add [FD] no greater than..."
"...He suffers 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by by that hit..."
Pg. 107, FaD Beta
"...he suffers 1 less strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of 1. This does not apply to voluntary strain loss."
Although Resolve is very clear in its description of how it functions, when it comes to Quick Movement and Resolve, one could argue that the word "suffer" indicates an involuntary loss of strain, since no one would voluntarily suffer[1] .
Changing "suffers" to "takes" ("may take") in the descriptions of the talents would help disambiguate whether it is being used by the character voluntarily, or whether it is being applied due to circumstance.
Like I said, this is probably a quibble over word usage. The language used, and the descriptions of various effects throughout the rules are generally very clear. If not overly so.
[1] My argument is moot if the devs subscribe to the philosophy of "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional"