Jedi Power Question

By Split Light, in General Discussion

I was recently watching the SW movies again and had a generic question. In the Prequel trilogy the Jedi are always knocking people down, sometimes damaging them (quite a few droids got splattered) and sometimes just sending them for a tumble that didn't appear to injure all that much.

Is this just the move power? If so how is it simulated. Do you make an attack roll? How would it be resisted? Move says how much damage it does if you hit somebody with a box, but what if you're just giving them a really hard push, how much damage is that?

I'm trying to create a sage, who's not necessarily to savvy with the lightsaber, but is pretty good at tossing people around.

Thanks all

Move is typically it, though Bind and Unleash can also be applied as a "Push"

There's a few opinions about how it works, but typically it's the exact same as throwing a Sil 1 object at your target. Only difference is instead of tossing a Sil 1 object at a stationary target you are throwing a Sil 1 target at a stationary object.

Special situations may apply though (like tossing someone out a window will cause falling damage instead of Sil 1 object damage)

Being unnecessarily cruel with the use of this power (say moving a target up in the air and letting them fall specifically so you can get more damage) may result in conflict points...

Yeah, you've got the option of Move or Bind, with Move being available sooner (Bind requires FR2+) as well as being around longer (and found in all three corebooks vs. Bind only being in FaD).

Personally I'm sticking with Move as the default for a "damaging Force push" effect, since Bind only inflicts damage if you use a dark side Force point to activate the effect, and even then Bind really seems more of a Force grip/choke style of effect.

As for the mechanics of a "Force push" using Move, I apply any bonuses against ranged attacks (such as ranged defense or Adversary ranks) that the target(s) to be thrown may have to the Force user's Discipline check rather than such bonuses the target that's having something thrown at it has.

Call me kooky but using the Force to move somebody by way of pushing them should be, well, Move. If you hold them (i.e. Bind them) it's Bind. I'm no expert, but it seems pretty easy.

Edited by Alderaan Crumbs